Hands on Activity: Timeline

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    Early 20th Century

    1917: The Bolshevik Revolution leads to a shift in Russian foreign policy, impacting its role in the Middle East.
    1919-1920: The U.S. begins to engage more in the Middle East, particularly after World War I, advocating for the establishment of mandates and borders.
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    Cold War Era

    1953: The CIA orchestrates a coup in Iran, overthrowing Prime Minister to secure U.S. interests in the region.
    1956: The Suez Crisis sees the U.S. and USSR play key roles in mediating the conflict, emphasizing their influence
    1967: The Six-Day War; the U.S. supports Israel, while the USSR backs Arab states, heightening Cold War tensions
    1973: The Yom Kippur War prompts U.S. military aid to Israel and increased Soviet support for Arab nations.
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    Post-Cold War Era

    1991: The Gulf War sees a massive U.S.-led coalition liberating Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, solidifying American influence in the Gulf.
    2001: Following the September 11 attacks, the U.S. invades Afghanistan to dismantle al-Qaeda and remove the Taliban from power.
    2003: The U.S. invades Iraq, leading to the toppling of Saddam Hussein, which has long-term implications for regional stability.
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    Post-Cold War Era (continued)

    2011: The Arab Spring leads to various uprisings, with the U.S. supporting some movements, while Russia supports regimes in Syria and Libya.
    2015: Russia begins military intervention in Syria to support the Assad regime, marking a significant re-entry into the Middle East.
    2016: The U.S. continues its fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, while Russia consolidates its influence in Syria.
    2020s: Ongoing U.S. military presence in Iraq and Syria to combat remnants of ISIS alongside Russian presence
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    Recent Developments

    2021: The U.S. completes its withdrawal from Afghanistan, ending a two-decade military presence.
    2022: Increased tensions in Ukraine lead to shifts in Russian focus, impacting its Middle Eastern engagements.
    2023: The U.S. and Russia continue to navigate a complex landscape of alliances, counterterrorism, and regional conflicts, with ongoing challenges in Syria and Iran.