Period: to
Isreal signs Truces with Arab countries
The new state of Israel has now signed truces with Arab countries that they previously declared war on. They signed the truces without agreeing and resulting in conflict. Egypt still maintained control of the Gaza Strip. British and French support efforts of Israel. -
Creation of Israel
U.N. voted in favor of a Partition Plan that created the State of Israel, dividing it into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The British gave up controal of Palestine in 1948 -
Israeli Invasion of Sinai and Gaza Strip
Israel invades Sinai and Gaza Strip after continuously being attacked by Egypt. Israeli’s forces crossed the Egyptian boarder and went toward the canal, reaching it in less than four days cutting off shipping in the Suez Canal, which Egypt nationalized in July. -
U.N. asked to withdraw troops
The United Nations holds a meeting asking for all Israel, Britain, and France troops to withdraw from Egypt. -
Withdraw from Egypt
Israel withdraws from it's current possionion in Egypt. -
Egypt controal of Gaza Strip
Egypt names Hassan Abdel Latif governor of Gaza resulting in the angering of Israel. -
Six-Day War
Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran and cut off Israeli shipping. Israel in return launched an attack against Egypt, beginning the Six-Day War. Israel defeated the surrounding Arab states and took control of other areas including the Gaza Strip. By the end of the offensive, Israel controls both Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula. -
Peace Treaty (Israel and Egypt)
The Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed at the White House. Finally signed after constant confrontation for nearly 31 years. They were set to provide self-rule to a 1 million or more Palestinian people that lived in Israeli-occupied places of the Gaza strip and the West Bank of the Jordan. -
Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza begin an uprising; it resulted in the Hamas terrorist group. Hamas is an acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement. -
Hamas v.s. Israel
Two suicide bombs killed 27 people in Jerusalem. Israel's prime minister, Shimon Perez, wages an incessant war against Hamas. -
Growing supporters
More suicide bombings began taking place and support for Hamas grows. In October, 2001, Israeli snipers kill a local Hamas leader that Israel said was responsible for authorizing different attacks. Israel also kills Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin. Hamas wants revenge on the attacks. -
Palestinian leader dies
Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat dies. -
Leaving Gaza
Israelis leave Gaza september 2005 marking the end of Israel presence theren -
Hamas gains control of Gaza Strip
With Israel gone it clears the coast for Hamas. In a burst of fighting, Hamas forces rout the Fatah forces, and completely seize Gaza. Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire, for six months.