
  • Hitler Rises to Power

    Hitler Rises to Power
    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany due to growing pressure from the Nazi party. This led to the people growing fonder of Adolf Hitler as he gave them hope and security in a time of loss and dispair.
  • Decrees for the Jews

    Decrees for the Jews
    For the next 6 years, Hitler spread racist propaganda to spread hate toward the Jews. Along with this, the Jews were hit upon by more than 400 different laws that target the Jews.
  • Concentration Camps Created for the Dangerous

    Concentration Camps Created for the Dangerous
    Germany created concentration camps for people labeled as "dangerous." This category included homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and political enemies. These people were sent to camps in which they would be killed by firing squad, gas chambers, and being starved to death.
  • Germans Confiscate Jewish Property

    Germans Confiscate Jewish Property
    Germany invaded Poland and much of Europe. In these takeovers, many Jews were forced into the ghettos and their items were taken. This was rumored in the west but not believed as people never thought Germany could actually do this.
  • Deported the Jews

    Deported the Jews
    Germany forced the Jews to Germany at the peak of the war causing many to go to camps.
  • Using Gas to Kill

    Using Gas to Kill
    In the Spring of 1945, Germans created an efficient method of killing Jews using poison gas to kill many simultaneously. An example of this would be mustard gas which would create a burning sensation in the lungs of people who breathed it, often suffocating them from the inside out.
  • The True Extent of the Camps are Discovered

    The True Extent of the Camps are Discovered
    Germany was being pushed back and the Allies discovered the true extent of the atrocities done to the Jews. This caused outlandish accusations to be given out during the trials when the Germans were being sentenced.
  • The End of the War

    The End of the War
    At the end of the war, Jews were discovered in camps all starving and in poor condition. While being put on trial, Jews were put into displaced person homes to help them get back on their feet