5000 BCE
Earliest Hallucinogenic Drugs
Mushrooms were the first-ever hallucinogenic used. This originated from Southeastern Algeria. -
4000 BCE
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Psilocybin mushrooms were used as a hallucinogenic in a town called Villar del Humo, which is in Spain. -
1300 BCE
Psychedelic Drinks
An Indian named Rig Veda described the use of a psychedelic drink called soma. -
Psychoactive Snuff
Friar Ramon Pane used psychoactive snuff called cohoba, in what is now the Dominican Republic. -
Psychoactive effects of Ayahuasca
Richard Spruce observed the Tukano Indians who drank tea as a ritual. He drank a small amount and named it Banisteria Caapi. He then sent samples back home for analysis. This was the first western record of the effects of psychoactive ayahuasca. -