Congress of Racial Equality Founded
Civil Rights- the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality
- founded by a group of students in Chicago and was committed to nonviolent direct action as a means of change
-their first protest was at a segregated coffee shop in Chicago which gained national attention and helped CORE spread -
Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson
Color line- a barrier created by custom, law, and economic differences that separated whites from nonwhites.
-Brooklyn dodgers managers hired Jackie and he then crossed the color line
-He was harassed by his teammates because the color of his skin -
Executive Order 9981
Segregation- action of setting someone or something apart from other people or things.
-desegregation became official policy in the armed forces
- Many African Americans said they would refuse to fight in a segregated army so Truman knew this had to be done. -
Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
Thurgood Marshall- Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, the lead attorney of the Brown case
-the 1954 Supreme Court ruling declaring that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional
-On May 17, he announced the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education
-Marshall used the doll test, which was the most famous test to show how segregation harms one another. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Boycott and Rosa Parks-
-Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up to a white man boarding the buss so the authorities were called
-In order for the Boycott to work, the blacks who lived in Montgomery came up with a carpool system to get around town.
-Martin Luther King Jr. represented the blacks who lived in Montgomery by speaking for them. -
Integration of Central Highschool
Little Rock Nine- First nine black students who integrated into a white school
-Little rock Nine students were not welcomed into their new school
-Students were escorted with troops to school -
First Lunch Counter Sit-in
Jim Crow Laws and Sit-ins- state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States
- Four African American students sat down at a lunch sit-in and were refused service because that restaurant only served whites
- Approximately 20 more people joined the students who were refused service the next day to protest
-This act went viral and sooner than later, all over the South, people were following their footsteps -
Freedom Rides
Civil disobedience- the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest
- freedom rides were used to test whether southern states were complying with the ruling.
-Riders got attacked by white mobs so CORE abandoned them but SNCC continued them -
Burmingham Campaign
SCLC- A group of activists that carefully planned a series of nonviolent actions against segregation.
-Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of this campaign in Birmingham.
-Protesters were arrested because they did not have permits
-Due to lack of money, King did not have enough money to bail himself out of jail if he were to go -
March on Washington
NAACP- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
-The goal was to protest unequal treatment of African Americans in the war industries.
-After having the march delayed once, it happened and took the name of the largest political gathering.
-This was the day King gave his famous speech, "I Have a Dream." -
Advocates for Black Nationalism
Nation of Islam, Malcolm X- leader in the Nation of Islam who articulated concepts of race pride and black nationalism. He was assassinated and he became a hero to the black youth.
- Malcolm was a troubled child and joined the Nation of Islam. Muhammad taught that blacks were Earth's first people but had been tricked out of their power and long oppressed by evil whites.
- Malcolm wrote autobiographies sending out a message to African American conflicts. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Plessy VS Fergusen- Supreme Court case that upheld the rights of states to pass laws allowing racial segregation in public and private places such as schools, public transportation, restrooms, and restaurants.
-Advocated by Lyndon B. Johnson. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Disenfranchise- deprive someone of the right to vote
- This law outlawed literacy tests used to deny African Americans the right to vote. The act also called for the federal government to supervise voter registration in areas where less than half of voting-age citizens were registered to vote.
-Voting percentages went up over time. -
Black Panther Party Founded
Black Power- a movement in support of rights and political power for black people.
-The black panther is a vicious animal, who, if he was attacked he wouldn't back down. It was a political symbol sending out the message they were going to push through and do whatever they needed to do.
-The black panther set out a 10-point platform regarding the rules and changes they wanted to see. -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Discrimination- the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things
- This law included a fair-housing component that banned discrimination in housing sales and rentals. It gave the federal government the authority to file lawsuits against those who violated the law.
-Due to King's assassination, congress took a stand and created this law to show respect to King. -
Congressional Black Caucus Formed
Voter-Registration Drive- the government and political parties and other entities to register to vote all persons otherwise entitled to vote.
- by doing voter registration drives, the number of southern blacks registered to vote rose from 1 to 3.1 million.
- African American members of the House of Representatives started the Congressional Black Caucus -
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
desegregation- the ending of a policy of racial segregation
- a judge ordered the district to use busing to integrate its schools
- under the judge's plan, some students would be bused to schools outside their neighborhoods to create more racially balanced schools.
- The school appealed to the court because they thought the judge had gone too far -
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
Affirmative action- his policy called on employers to actively seek to increase the number of minorities in their workforce.
-Bakke applied for University of California Davis Medical School and was rejected two times, so he sued them for reverse discrimination because he was white.
- Court's ruling upheld affirmative action by saying that race could be used ascriteria in admissions decisions.