Sep 7, 1400
Taino People
Between 500,000 and 1 million Taino people live on an island of Ayti. -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus lands on Hispaniolia
Columbus lands on an island can calls it Hispaninolia. This island was inhabited by nice, friendly people from Hati called Taino -
Sugar Cane
Sugar cane was introduced to Hispaninolia. Saint Dominque (French) became the wealthiest, most resourc rich colonies of its time -
Treaty of Ryswich
Through the Treaty of Ryswhich, France gained control of one-third of HIspaniola and namied it Saint-Dominque -
Suppling Europe
Saint Dominqye supplied half of Europe with sugar, coffee, and cotton, also French Revolution begins -
The affranchi
In Saint Dominque, the affranchi (free people of color) demand egaul rights with free whites from the DOTROM, the citizen (life, liberty, property. Men where bornand remian free and equal. Women didnt have natural rights and whites wanted to be like them) Also the representatives of the affranchi went to France for rights but were denied -
French Government
The National Assembly forms a constitutional.
The French government grants full rights to free blacks in Saint-Dominque. Also revokes its decision to grant grant free blacks equal right and send commissoners to reestablish slavery -
Louis XVI grants free blacks equal rights -
France is officially abolishes slavery in France and all of its colonial possessions -
Treaty of Basel
it gaves its colony of Santo Domingo to FRance and withdraw its troops from the island -
Toussaint L'Ouverture and Andre Rigaud
Both pushed out most of the British -
The War of Knifes begins
Napoleon is under pressure from French merchants to re-capture Saint-Dominque and reestablish slavery. -
New Leader
The War of Knifes has ended
L'Ouverture is now leader of the colony -
A Constitution
The constitution abolishes slavery, so every citizen had equal right. This outlawed the practive of Voodoo. Napoleon view this as a threat -
Jean-Jacques Dessalines prclaims Haiti's independence and crowns himself emperor of Haiti