Haitian Revolution

  • Saint-Domingue becomes a French colony

    Saint-Domingue becomes a French colony
    The Spanish colony Saint-Domingue is taken by France
  • Vincent Oge Revolts

    Vincent Oge Revolts
    Vincent Oge revolts against the Haiti government to get equal rights for mixed race free people.
  • Vincent Oge Executed

    Vincent Oge Executed
    Vincent Oge was executed by the Haiti government for attempting to revolt against them.
  • Slave Rebellion Begins

    Dutty Boukman instigated slave uprisings in Haiti.
  • Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly gave citizenship to all free people of color in order to calm down the people as well as sending a man named Sonthonax and 6-7,000 men to put down the rebellion.
  • War with Great Britain

    France is at war with Great Britain and since the British had control of Jamaica, Haiti was at risk.
  • Slaves Freed

    Sonthonax declared all slaves in Haiti to be free people.
  • Slave Freedom Ratified

    France ratified the declaration of freedom.
  • Toussant L'Overture joins French republic

    L'Overture joins the French republic with Sonthonax
  • Toussant L'overture names himself governor

    Toussant L'Overture named himself governor of Haiti for life.
  • L'Overture was captured

    Tousssant L'Overture was betrayed by LeClerc and put in a prison in France
  • War with Britain

    Haiti is at war with Great Britain which has the most dominant navy in the world by far.
  • Haiti is Declared independent

    Dessalines renames Saint-Domingue to Haiti and declares it independent from France.
  • France Recognizes Haiti as Independent

    France recognizes Haiti as independent and reopens trade with them.
  • Haiti pays off debt

    Haiti pays off its 90 million dollars of debt in interest to France