Haitian Revolution

  • 1790

    Chevannes come into rebellion for civil rights for people of color
  • Period: to


    Toussaints soldiers fought against French government, Royalists, invaders and free colored leaders
  • 1791

    Slaves start burning plantations and killing masters
  • 1793

    Leger ended slavery in the colony and made Toussaints part of the French army
  • 1801

    French government reconsidered the possibility of ending slavery
  • Late 1801

    Napoleon decided to get an army together and go back to Haiti to reestablished slavery
  • 1803

    Toussaints dies in prision
  • 1804

    Haiti becomes independent from france
  • Period: to


    Napoleon and his armies invaded Portugal and Spain and connection between Brazil and Portugal was shattered.
  • 1807

    Haiti decided to divide into 2 parts. Republic Haiti & Kingdom Haiti.
  • 1815

    John lV elevated Brazil to the status of a Kingdom
  • 1824

    A new constitution was enacted
  • 1862

    United states finally recognized Haiti as Independent country.