Haitian Revolution

  • The Thirty Years War

    The Thirty Years War
    This was a war that was originally fought between the Protestants and Catholics, but turns into a struggle for the American colonies. The countries included were France, Britain, the Netherlands, and Spain.
  • The Nine Years War

    The Nine Years War
    Louis XVI and the rest of France have to hold back Britain and Spain in Hispaniola. At the end of the war, in 1697, the opposing countries and France sign the Treaty of Ryswick. This gave the French the western third of Hispaniola, which they named Saint Dominique.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The United States are the first American colony to declare independence from Europe. The revolution inspires many in Saint Dominique. The French open their ports to trade with the US while many from Saint Dominque help fight alongside them. They will later become important figures within the Halation Revolution.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    1789 — 1799
    Saw the government switch from rich nobles to a democracy, led by the people. Those in the colony saw the values given to the people in France and were inspired by what they saw.
  • The Declaration of Rights of Man

    The Declaration of Rights of Man
    Takes inspiration from the Declaration of Independence. It gives everyone basic rights and states "men are born and remain free and equal in rights." Every social class was able to interpret it to benefit themselves.
  • Start of The Haitian Revolution

    Start of The Haitian Revolution
    Taken inspiration from the American and French Revolutions, the people of Saint Dominque wanted more rights and to be free of French control.
  • War of the First Coalition

    War of the First Coalition
    On September 21, 1792, France declares itself a republic, threatening the ideas of European monarchy. Austria, Prussia, Britain, Spain, and other countries felt the radical ideas may spread tho their countries, so they send out their respective armies. Spain and Britain both invade Saint Dominque. In 1795, Spain gives their part of the colony to France, while Britain controls parts of it until 1798.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    The National Convention abolished slavery in France and other colonies, like Saint Dominque.
  • Slavery Reinstated in Colonies

    Slavery Reinstated in Colonies
    Bonaparte lies and signs a decree reinstating slavery and slave trade. General Leclerc's is unable to disarm the population of Saint Dominque as a major revolt breaks out.
  • Jean Jacques Dessalines declares the independence of Haiti

    Jean Jacques Dessalines declares the independence of Haiti
    Saint Dominque is finally a free nation but never was able to recover from the war. They haven't been able to go back to their former glory, or even close, to this day. They remain one of the poorest countries in modern time.