Saint Domingue (Haiti)
1789 Saint Domingue (Haiti): First revolts (led by whites, mulattos) -
Saint Domingue
1790 Saint Domingue: “Night of Fire”—well-organized slave revolt -
1791 France: National Assembly declares full civil rights for mulattos (free men of color) -
Saint Domingue
1792 Saint Domingue: Commissioner Sonthonax grants freedom to slaves in the North Province who fought for the French Republic, then orders general abolition -
1793 France: National Assembly sanctioned Sonthonax’ abolition law and extended freedom to slaves in all its colonies in the Emancipation Decree of 1794
Saint Domingue: Toussaint l’Ouverture leaves alliance with British & Spanish to help France drive them from the island -
1799 France: Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power -
Saint Domingue
1799 Saint Domingue: British expelled from Saint-Domingue -
1801 France: Napleon dispatches General Leclerc to subdue Haiti -
1802 France : Reestablishment of slavery (May), Bonaparte named Consul for life -
Saint Domingue
Saint Domingue: Death of LeClerc (November) -
Saint Domingue
General Dessalines proclaims independence of Haiti (August 29) -
France/U.S.: Signature of treaty of purchase, Louisiana Territory -
France: Implementation of the Civil Code; declaratino of empire -
Portugal: Removal of the Braganza royal family to Brazil