Haiti Rebellion

  • Haiti's Revolt

    Haiti's Revolt
    In 1791, slaves in Haiti revolted against the French Colony controlling them. A slave named Toussaint-Louverture took control of the revolution, becoming the leader of the rebellion. Under his rule, two other slaves were, Dessalines and Henri Christophe, were named generals.
  • Peace with France

    Peace with France
    Toussaint-Louverture made peace with revolutionary France after the ending of slavery. Making peace with France lead to abolishment in slavery.
  • French Ruler

    French Ruler
    In 1801, Toussaint-Louverture became governor-general of the French colony. He took over the Spanish portion of the island. Toussaint-Louverture also freed the slaves kept prisoner by the French.
  • Napoleon's Invasion

    Napoleon's Invasion
    In 1802, Napoleon ordered an invasion force against the rebels. This invasion took place in Saint-Domingue. Toussaint eventually called a cease-fire after several months of fighting.
  • Colonials Surrenders

    In 1803, the Colonial authorities surrendered. This was the French rulers and colonizers in Haiti. The surrender of the Colonial authorities meant the freedom of the Republic of Haiti.
  • Toussaint Retires

    Toussaint Retires
    Gave up the rebellion and retired. Then he was arrested and was taken to a dungeon in the French Alps.
  • Independence

    In 1803, whites were driven out of Saint-Domingue, colonial name of Haiti. After this event, the rebels declared the Republic of Haiti independent.
  • Toussaint's Torture

    After being arrested in 1803, Toussaint was tortured in the French Alps. He eventually died in the same year.
  • General Dessalines Got Dictatorial Power

    General Dessalines Got Dictatorial Power
    General Dessalines got the dictatorial power. Because Toussaint was dead and the Republic of Haiti was free, Dessalines took the power himself. This took place in 1804.
  • Dessaline's Rise and Fall

    In 1804, Dessalines proclaimed himself emperor. He was killed two year later, in 1806, after putting down the revolution.