

  • Dec 6, 1492

    When Haiti was discovered.

    When Haiti was discovered.
    Haiti was discovered December 6, 1492. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
  • Treaty's

    Under the 1697 Treaty of Ryswick, Spain gave France the western third of Hispaniola, which is today’s Haiti.
  • Let's outnumber the White's.

    Let's outnumber the White's.
    By the late 1700s, African slaves outnumbered the French in Haiti by ten to one.
  • Haiti liberation

    Haiti liberation
    Not only did this free slaves, but also ended the French control by 1803.
  • When Haiti was a French colony.

    When Haiti was a French colony.
    Haiti was a French colony for the span of two years before it's independence.
  • When was Haiti independence?

    When was Haiti independence?
    Haiti's independence was January 1, 1804. The independence was led by Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
  • Period: to


    More than 70 different dictators ruled Haiti between 1804-1915.
  • Period: to

    US troops

    US troops occupied the Republic of Haiti between 1915 and 1934.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    This Earthquake was 7.0 and it killed 46,000 and 316,000 people.
  • Hurricane Matthew

    Hurricane Matthew
    This Hurricane was a category 5 and had started in the southeastern Caribbean on September 28.