
  • Cholera Outbreak

    Over 6,600 people die each year from cholera in Haiti (Haiti Fast Facts, 2018).
  • Earthquake

    A 7.0 magnitude earthquake strikes 14 miles of Haiti (Haiti Fast Facts, 2018). This results in the destruction of Haiti's capitol, Port-au-Prince, the death of around 217,000 people, and the ruin of more than 2 million homes.
  • Hurricane Thomas

    Hurricane Thomas hits Haiti, kills at least 10 people, and increases the cholera epidemic (Timeline Haiti, 2017).
  • Tropical Storm Emily

    A tropical storms strikes Hispaniola (Timeline Haiti, 2017). It is so strong that it manages to kill one person in Haiti and three in the Dominican Republic.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy hits Haiti killing 51 people, leaving 20,000 people homeless, and increasing the spread of cholera. (Haiti Profile, 2019).
  • Cholera Epidemic

    8,205 people have died from the cholera epidemic in Haiti (Timeline Haiti, 2017). After 2016, there have been 771,000 cases of cholera and 9,082 deaths as a result of this epidemic.
  • Resignation of Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe resigns amidst many anti-government protests. (Haiti Profile, 2019)
  • Hurricane Matthew

    Hurricane Matthew hits Haiti and kills hundreds of people while destroying thousands of other people's homes (Haiti Profile, 2019).
  • Floods destroy Haiti's crops

    About 80% of Haiti's spring harvest is destroyed by flooding. Many people depended on these crops for food and went starving without them (Timeline Haiti, 2017).
  • Prime Minister Lafontant resigns

    Prime minister Lafontant resigns while threatening protests about the proposal to raise gas prices are amidst Haiti (Haiti Fast Facts 2018).
  • Earthquake

    An earthquake with a 5.9 magnitude hits Haiti. It kills about 12 people and injures about 188 people (Timeline Haiti, 2017).