Christopher Columbus
Lands and names the island Hispaniola or little spain -
Spain cedes
Spain cedes western part of Hispaniola to France, and this becomes Haiti, or Land of Mountain. -
Frence force led
French force led by Napoleon's brother-in-law, Charles Leclerc, fails to conquer Haitian interior. -
Haiti becomes independent; former slave Jean-Jacques Dessalines declares himself emperor -
Dessalines Assassinated
Dessalines Assassinated and Haiti divided into a black-controlled north and amulatto-ruled south -
Pierre Boyer
Pierre Boyer unifies Haiti, but excludes blacks from power. -
Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Elected president in Haiti's first free peaceful polls. -
Serious political deadlock; new government named -
Aristide elected president for a second non-consecutive term, amid allegations of irregularities. -
Haiti approved
Haiti is approved as a full member of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) trade bloc.