Hailley's Timeline

  • Ferdinand Killed

    Ferdinand Killed
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. This is what started WW1. The was started in Europe. This assassination took place by Serbian officials who hoped to start a war and bring down the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • Period: to


  • Dogs

    During WW1 they would use dogs as sentries, scouts, rescuers, messengers, and more. It was estimated that about 53,000 dogs from all countries involven in WW1 were used. Depending on the dogs size, intelligence, and training, they would either be a sentry dog, scout dog, casualty dog, explosive dog, ratter or mascot dog.
  • Pigeons

    Pigeons would be used to send things like messages. They would also attach a camera to the pigeon. The camera was timed and would take pictures every few minutes, as you would think, this wasn't very effecient.
  • First Aid Dog

    First Aid Dog
    Dogs would help the Red Cross in helping soldiers on battle grounds. They would carry around First Aid Kits wrapped around them full of things like bandages. This dog was known as a casualty dog.
  • Lusitania

    The Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine. This killed 1,200 passengers, 128 of them Americans. This was seen as an terrorists attack on civilians and angered America.
  • Almost Married

    Almost Married
    Alice Mikel Duffield was engaged to a "good-looking" guy, Bill Dana. After a couple of months she found out that Bill was coming to see her in the afternoons, then seeing another girl at dinner. She sent the engagement ring back, decided she would never marry, and decided to train to become a nurse.
  • Red Cross Recruitent

    Red Cross Recruitent
    A girl named Delano Franklin visited the hopital where Alice was working. Delano asked all the nurses who were working that night to join Red Cross as soon as they could because they needed more help. Alice agreed to join out of patriotism.
  • Camp Pike

    Camp Pike
    After graduating from Nurse Training, Alice went to work at Camp Pike for Red Cross. She was paid about five dollars every month when she first started. She worked really hard in Sparks Hospital and soon became Captain in U.S. Army Nurse Corps.
  • Battle Of Verdun

    Battle Of Verdun
    This day, the Battle of Verdun started, and will not end until December 18. This battle is considered one of the greatest and lengthiest battle. There's an estimated 70,000 casualties from this battle.
  • Mascots

    In WW1 they would use animals as mascots. The most common animal used was dogs, but some would use animals such as koalas, gotas, and donkeys. Most of the time these mascots were pets and would stay in the trenches with the soldiers to normalize the harsh combat.
  • U.S. Involvement

    U.S. Involvement
    On this day, America decided to enter the war. Most Americans favored the Allies and wanted to help Britain in the war. There was many debates on whether the U.S. should join or not, but eventually U.S. decided that they would help the Allies.
  • Dogs Lay Out New Electric Lines

    Dogs Lay Out New Electric Lines
    Messengers dogs would have a spool attached to their harness. They would use them to lay out new electric lines. The lines were laid out in the trenches, was very dangerous, and many dogs actually suffered.
  • The Influenza Epidemic of 1918

    The Influenza Epidemic of 1918
    Alice worked during the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. She was assigned to the African-American soldiers, none from overseas. Her job was to give the young soldiers baths, and take their temperature.
  • War Ends

    War Ends
    An armistice was signed at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, and in 1918 the fighting stopped. Groups of workers and soldiers had seized power in German towns. The revolution spread and eventually the German emporer stepped down, and the armistice was signed
  • Married

    Although Alice swore to never marry, she fell in love with a soldier while in service. At the time, soldiers and nurses were forbidden to be married so they could not marry when they wanted to. But the day after the Armistice was signed, they immediately married. This was only one of three marriages.