Congress of Racial Equality Founded
-Civil Rights- the rights of citizens
- started with a group of students that held a peacefully protest demanding change
- protest started at a segregated Chicago coffee shop -
Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson
Color Line- a barrier created by law to separate blacks and whites
-first black major league player
-Fans taunted him, other teams tried to hurt him, and his own teammates didn't want to play with him -
Executive Order 9981
Segregation- where blacks and whites are separated in work, public places, and transportation
-Truman realized that they were hypocrites for fighting in the World War when they themselves had a color line
- Truman signed the order to desegregate the armed forces a couple years after the major sports desegregated -
Advocates for Black Nationalism
Nation of Islam- religious group of black muslims that promoted separations from whites by having own schools, churches, and communities
Malcom X- leader of the group that was a former convict
-wanted compete separation from whites
-Malcom X was assassinated when he was speaking in NYC -
Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
-Thurgood Marshall- NAACP's lead attorney for the case
-Thurgood made his point by showing the court how he used the "Doll Test"
- case went all the way to the Supreme court and the NAACP won -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Boycott- refusal to do something as a protest
Rosa Parks- a black woman who refused to move on the bus and got arrested which later started the bus boycott
- When MLK Jr. led the boycott, he was only 26 years old.
-the boycott lasted 381 days and eventually got a law passed so that blacks did not have to move for a white person -
Integration of Central High School
- Little Rock Nine- first nine black students integrated into a white school
- Little Rock Nine students were not welcomed into their new school -Students were escorted with troops to school
First lunch counter sit-in
Jim Crow Laws- laws that enforced segregation in the southern states of the US
Sit-In-multiple people sitting down in a place to protest their beliefs
- around 20 black students preformed a sit in at a local diner but were refused service
- stayed until diner closed and more blacks from other states started to do the same thing and got some of the diners to desegregate -
Freedom Rides
Civil Disobedience- the nonviolent way to refuse a law that protesters think are not fair
SNCC- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was a group of black activists that would work together to achieve peace in a nonviolent way
-blacks and whites would ride a bus to the south and both were attacked and some arrested
-they did finally integrate the buses that involved interstate travel -
Birmingham campaign
SCLC- Southern Christian Leadership Conference was a civil rights organization that was led by their first president, MLK Jr.
-blacks were arrested for marching at city hall and not having a permit
-MLK Jr. was also arrested and wrote the famous Birmingham letter calling attention as to why they were doing what they were doing -
March on Washington
NAACP- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was an organization that fought for the rights of blacks
-people from all over came to Washington D.C. to march for their rights
-largest political gathering in US with a quarter million people being involved (People included Rosa Parks and Jackie Robinson) -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Plessy V. Ferguson-
-LBJ pushed for this act after Kennedy died but got stalled. LBJ finally got to sign this act into law
-Act banned discrimination based on race, sex, religion, and nationality -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Disenfranchise- the right to vote
- act outlawed the literacy tests used to deny blacks the right to vote
- The government also made sure that anybody who was eligible to vote, would vote. -
Watts Riot
Kerner Commission- commission that concluded that white racism caused the Watts Riot
Ghettos- part of city where only one ethnic group lives there
-Watts Riot lasted 6 days
- $45 million dollars in damage, 43 people died, 1,000 others were injured -
Black Panther Party Founded
Black Power- movement that supported the rights and political power for blacks
- Black Panthers were mainly known for their hatred against the police violence
- Black Panthers later fell apart because so many got arrested because of their legal problems -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Discrimination- the prejudicial treatment based off the categories of a person
-blacks had a hard time finding housing because many whites would not rent or sell to them
-when this law passed it allowed blacks to find homes and for the government to enact law suits on anyone who violated this law -
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
Desegregation- the ending of a policy of racial segregation
-this case got the law passed saying that buses are allowed to transport kids to integrated schools
-they did this because they wanted more racially balanced schools but that was not happening because of where people lived -
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
Affirmative Action- policy that encourages employers to increase the number of minorities in their workforce
-white man named Allan Bakke applied twice to the University of California but was denied both times
-he found out that minorities with lower test scores got in
-went to court and went all the way to the Supreme Court and Bakke was later admitted to the UN