Hadiya Clements Famous Dead Guy

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    Didnt believe in the Atomic Theory. Believed all substances were made of fire, water, earth, and air
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    Democritus- 400 B.C.

    First person to think of the atom thought it was a solid sphere
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    Thales 624 B.C

    Thought all things were made of water .
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    Atomic theory , first to have experimental evidence.
  • Newton

    he agreed with democritius
  • Henri Becquerel

    discovered reactivity couldnt explain it
  • Joseph John Thompson

    discovered electron
  • Ernest Ruthford

    discovered nucleus
  • Millikan

    Found the charge of an electron.
  • Niels Bohr

    thought electrons orbited around the nucleus
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Atomic model was the quantum mechanical model
  • James Chadwick

    proved the exsistence of neutrons