Habitat for Humanity Timeline

By tyjorg
  • Fullers visit Koinonia for the first time

  • Basic model of Habitat for Humanity was begun.

  • Koinonia laid out 42 half-acre house sites

  • First major house project in Zaire

  • The name Habitat for Humanity is made to an official organization

    The name Habitat for Humanity is made to an official organization
  • Founded by Millard and Linda Fuller

    Founded by Millard and Linda Fuller
  • President Jimmy Carter and his wife take their first Habitat work trip

    President Jimmy Carter and his wife take their first Habitat work trip
  • Jonathan Reckford gets announced as CEO

  • 300,000 house built

    300,000 house built
  • 600,000 houses built so far

    600,000 houses built so far