Gym history

  • Gyms as we know them in the United States evolved from a political movement in Germany during the early 1800s,

  • Clias and Volker established gyms in London, and in 1825,

  • First Turners group was formed in London in 1848.

    First Turners group was formed in London in 1848.
  • "school for naked exercise"

  • The YMCA first organized in Boston in 1851

  • The first indoor gymnasium in Germany was probably the one built in Hesse in 1852 by Adolph Spiess, an enthusiast for boys' and girls' gymnastics in the schools.

  • First gymnasiums in history can be is over 3000 years ago made in Persia.

  • Another word that’s evolved in meaning is the beloved gym. From ancient times up until even the past 50 years, gymnasiums were considered higher institutions of training the body, mind and spirit.

  • For example, the term salon commonly referred to a gathering of intellectuals to discuss issues of the day, and yet most of us now can’t help but think of the place we go for haircuts.

  • We have much to thank the Turners’ for; from the yoga and pilates practiced today, to those scarring junior high physical education classes. Yes. They were big advocates for physical education in schools.