
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot

  • Apr 13, 1570


    Guy Fawkes is born in York
  • James I

    James I
  • The plot

    The plot
    Fawkes became involved with a small group of English Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, who planned to assassinate the Protestant King James. They started discussing to blow up the Houses of Parliament
  • The cellar

    The cellar
    The group rented a cellar under the House of Lords. They hid 36 barrels of gunpowder under firewood
  • The search

    Guy Fawkes was betrayed and a search was ordered
  • Arrested

    Guy Fawkes was arrested in the cellar and imprisoned in the Tower of London
  • Torture

    Guy Fawkes was hung.His lifeless body was quartered and, as was the custom,his body parts were then distributed to "the four corners of the kingdom", to be displayed as a warning to other would-be traitors.
  • Bonfire Night

    Bonfire Night
    Guy Fawkes Night is annually held on November 5. It is sometimes known as Bonfire Night and marks the anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by Catholic conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605. Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks.