Jan 1, 1232
The Chinese who invented gunpowder first used it in a weapon
black powder -
Jan 1, 1400
Matchlock guns
first mechanically firing of guns -
Jan 1, 1509
Wheel lock guns
wicks were replaced the wheel lock that generated a spark for igniting the gunpowder -
Percussion-cap guns invented by Reverend John Forsyth
firing mechanism no longer uses flash pan, a tube lead straight into the gun barrel, the tupe had an exposive cap on it that exploded when struck -
Colt revolver
first mass-produced, multi-shot, revolving firearms -
Borchardt pistol
automatic handgun with a separate magazine in the grip -
Flintlock guns
the flintlock did two things mechanically, it opened the lid of the flash pan and provided an igniting spark.