
By 179jro
  • Gump goes to school

    Gump goes to school
    Gump goes to elementary school for first time. Gump meets Jenny. Gump also meets his bus driver.
  • veitnam war

    veitnam war
    the USA didn't want vietnom taken over by communists. the viet cogs wanted to reunite Vietnam. the U.S ended up fighting with them.
  • desegrigation of Alabama University

    desegrigation of Alabama University
    governor Wallace was pro segregation and when these two black people tried enrolling in Alabama state he stood and wouldn't let them in. but JFK said no hes wrong and had the national guard come out an move Mr. Wallace.
  • Jfk be dead now

    Jfk be dead now
    Jfk was in a motor parade in dalas. wile in this motor parade he was riding in a convertible like a cool president. Then Lee Harvey Oswald shot him in the head from the window of a near by building.
  • vietnom war protest

    vietnom war protest
    250,000 hippies got together and protested in Washington DC. they all went to the Washington monument and the pentagon and told the government how they wanted to end the war on Vietnam.
  • USA lands on the moon

    USA lands on the moon
    Well america heard Russia was getting close to putting someone on the moon. So the US jumped on it and got their stuff together and sent good old Neil Armstrong and another guy up to the moon man.
  • Watergate scandal

    Watergate scandal
    This was about president Nixon. he had something to do with harassing political figures into doing things. the reason why its the water gate scandal is because 5 guys were caught breaking in to the Watergate complex and they found the files about the harassment of these people.
  • Lennon is Murdered

    Lennon is Murdered
    Chapman shot Lennon outside The Dakota apartment building in New York City. Chapman fired at Lennon five times, hitting him four times in the back.
  • atempted asination of Pres Reagan

    atempted asination of Pres Reagan
    almost 70 days into his life as a President Reagan is shot at. he was leaving a speaking appointment at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.. When President Reagan and three others were shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr.,. Hinckley's motivation for the attack was to impress actress Jodie Foster.
  • Gump gets shimp boat

    Gump gets shimp boat
    This is the beginning of his future of being a multi billionaire. he buys the boat. Gump doesn't catch anything at first the Lt. Dan joins him and there's a big hurricane and he is the last ship and takes over the shrimping industry in Alabama.
  • Gump & jenny get married

    Gump & jenny get married
    It finally happened what the whole plot of the movie was.