chicle gum
first big breakthriugh in gum history happened when thomas adams was expierementing with chicle to make tires but in stead he made gum now known as chicle gum image from www.locogringo.com -
dentyne gum
in the late 1800s the gum bussiness was booming when dentyne gum was created to help dental hygiene image from www.couponaholic.net -
around the 1900 someone coated chicle gum in candy and chiclets were made image from www.bbemuseum.com -
in 1906 blibber blubber gum was made. but it was never sold because it was to sticky image from advertisingantiques.com -
dobble bubble
walter diemer accidentally created double bubble which was the first succesfully sold gum image from www.economycandy.co