Guilded age

  • The great Railroad

    The great Railroad
    during this part of the Guilded age there was the construction of the railroad when the pay wages where low and the working places where haserdous leading to some strikes. even tho the stikes where broken up they left 100 of the men dead.
  • end of the american indian fighting

    end of the american indian fighting
    This was when the last of the indian tribes where fighting back for there land but this came to an end in 1890 when the fighting had ended but the natives had lost there land.
  • Period: to

    The Gilded Age

    the date's where hard to find
  • Rise of the immagrants

    Rise of the immagrants
    This event was a huge wave of the us immagratson comming all the way from england to irland and the us showing diversity from the us nation.
  • The Steel industry

    The Steel industry
    at this point the ammount of steel that was being created in the Us or america was at this point supassed the ammount of steel that was being made in england resuliting in the sucruity in the industriation in america.
  • The Animal Slaughter

    The Animal Slaughter
    The Chicago state had so many animals that the had to kill or slaughter 9 million annimals giving Chigo the name the Hot dog City of the world.
  • Panic of 1893

    Panic of 1893
    The Panic of 1893 triggers a deep economic depression, particularly affecting agricultural areas. Populist Party expands its strength.( and that group worked for the people.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Plessy V Ferguson
    This was the Decision that symbolizes the incresing hold of jim crow I the south and It decied weather they where to hold him where he was or to let him go.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    In North Caralina 2 brothers the wright brothers were able to fly the first plane ever. This was a nother spike in the gilded age where for ther first time there a new way to transportate things.
  • The First Model T

    The First Model T
    At this time not only 5 years after the wright brothers the Famious Henry Ford Proudeces the First model T That Revolusioniesed the American Car Indstry.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    At this moment in the gilded age the 16th amendment establishes the federal income tax. to some people this was the bigest victory in the Progressive movement
  • Federal Reserve

    Federal Reserve
    In the same year as the 16th amdmendment being created the federal reserve act is Established and with that it brings central banking to the unted states.
  • The 18th amendment

    The 18th amendment
    Another admendment but this one esablishes Prohibatation in the united states and to many people this is another Victory for the Progressive movement.
  • After the Suffragist Campaign

    After the Suffragist Campaign
    So after the Suffragist compain the 19 amendment allows women to vote for presidental elections and that would allow them to have equal rights for ever person.
  • The Stock Market Chrash

    The Stock Market Chrash
    On March 16 1929 there was a steep crash in the stock market bringing this crash lead to the great depresion and when that happened america was at its worst time.
  • The great Depresion

    The great Depresion
    The Gread Depresion was a hard time for many folk in america but it was most hardest duing the war. During this time a lot of family own componys ran out of buisness and had to resourt in to selling a lot of things just to get food.
  • works Cited

    works Cited
    If you want me to go in to detail what cites I used the time line had some links that I also used just tell me If you want me to up date it.