Guglielmo Marconi

By sjm925
  • Birth

    Guglielmo Marconi was born on April 25th 1874 in Bologna Italy to parents Giuseppe Marconi and Annie Jameson
  • Marconi begins experimemting

    Marconi begins experimemting
    In 1894 Guglielmo Marconi began experimenting on Radio waves along with magentic waves in order to work toward finding a way to transmit messages through wireless telegraphy.
  • First wireless signals possible

    First wireless signals possible
    By late 1894 sending wireless signals and messages was possible, but only at a very short distnace. Many people believe due to the curve of the earch wireless signals would never be able to travel at far distances, and were skeptical of marconi's inventions and ideas.
  • Invention of the motion picture

    Invention of the motion picture
    Louis Lumiere is given credit with inventing the first motion picture camera, even though they are not given credit for being the first to present a fim, Lumiere and his brother are given the credit for being the first to present projected, moving pictures to a paying audience of more that one person.
  • Spanish American war

    Spanish American war
    On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in the Havana harbor on February 15, 1898. The war ended with the signing of the treaty of pais and also established the independence of Cuba.
  • Marconi's transatlantic commercial service

    Marconi's transatlantic commercial service
    Over the course of 1901 Marconi worked to nearly perfecting his invention. He began a commercial service that sent transmissions between Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Ireland.
  • First transatlamtic wireless signal

    First transatlamtic wireless signal
    On December 12th 1901 what we would say is the first official wireless signal was sent across the atlantic ocean. Marconi sent the letter 's' over 2000 miles from Cornwall, England to Newfoundland, Canada.
  • Daylight Effect

    Daylight Effect
    To perfect his invention, Marconi first had to notice the 'Daylight Effect'. The Daylight Effect showed that his transmissions traveled better at night than in the afternoon or in the morning,
  • Wright brothers first flight

    Wright brothers first flight
    On December 17th 1903 the Wright brothers pioleted the worlds first powered airplane. This plane flew 20 feet high, over a North Croline beach. The flight lasted 59 seconds and the plane traveled 852 feet.
  • Marcnoi awarded Nobel Prize

    Marcnoi awarded Nobel Prize
    In 1909 Marcoi alongside Karl Ferdinand was awarded the Nobel Prize for "Contributions in wireless telegraphy"
  • First model T ford

    First model T ford
    In 1909 the ford made the first model T car. From the year 1909 to 1927 ford motor company built over 15 million model T cars. The model T was a revolutionary car and helped build the car assembly industry in detroit.
  • Marconi get patent rights on his invention

    Marconi get patent rights on his invention
    After many months of conflict, in and out of the court Guglielmo Marconi won the right to patent his invention, and even begin to profit off of it.
  • German submarine sinks Lusitania

    German submarine sinks Lusitania
    On May 7th 1915 captain of the Lusitania slowed down due to fog, no one noticed that the U-boat U-20 had already spotted them and launched a torpedo, sinking the Lusitania. At the time, the Allies thought the Germans had launched two or three torpedoes to sink the Lusitania. However, the Germans say their U-boat only fired one torpedo. Many believe the second explosion was caused by the ignition of ammunition hidden in the cargo hold.
  • Marconi awarded the Italian Military Metal

    Marconi awarded the Italian Military Metal
    In 1919 Marconi was awarded the Italian Military Medal in recognition of his war service in Italy
  • Invention of the air conditioner

    Invention of the air conditioner
    In 1932 Willis Haviland Carrier became the first man to make a working air conditioner. To this day modern air conditioners are based off of his original piece of machinery.
  • Death

    Guglielmo Marconi died on July 20th, 21937