Guessing girl

Guess the celebrity

By loreta
  • Birth

    In South Gloucestershire, England
  • From an early age...

    From an early age...
    ...had an ambition to be a writer.
  • First conceived...

    First conceived...
    ...of the idea about Harry Potter. It was on a long train journey from Manchester to London. Began forming the characters of the series.
  • Left England to...

    Left England to...
    ...get a job as an English teacher in Portugal.
  • Returned to England...

    ...still trying to finish the first book.
  • First book...

    First book...
  • Warner Bros. secured...

    Warner Bros. secured...
    ...the film rights for the books, giving a seven figure sum.
  • Finished writing...

    Finished writing...
    ...the final book of the famous series.
  • On the Oprah Winfrey Show...

    On the Oprah Winfrey Show...
    ...hinted that an 8th book in the series is a possibility.