Cultures Project

By tharen
  • The meeting of the cultures

    On this day, the 2 cultures met eachother and were quite confused with eachothers customs
  • Period: to

    The story of the Hokians and the Heelotians

    The timeline of what happened between the Hokians and the Heelotians
  • The cultures experience conflict

    The cultures experience conflict
    The Hokians were confused when the Heelotions visited because the Heelos wouldnt talk to them when the Hokies tried to greet them, they would just run away and hiss...
  • Hokies send people over to Heelotia

    Hokies send people over to Heelotia
    The Hokies decide to send people over to Heelotia to try and make contact with the Heelotians and try and learn their ways of life and how they converse
  • The Cultures make peace

    The Cultures make peace
    The two cultures have a meeting of their leaders who establish a peace treaty between the Hokies and the Heelos that garuntees peace between the cultures
  • Dispute over water

    Dispute over water
    With the cold weather coming, the tribes had to stock up on fresh water because the river would freeze over soon. The dispute happened when the Heelos felt that the river was mostly in their land and they didn't want the Hokies taking water from it. But the argument was resolved and life went on
  • Argument over hunting grounds

    Argument over hunting grounds
    Once again, the Hokies were gathering food for survival and the Heelos got mad at the Hokies and accused them of hunting on their land. The High Hokie tells them that hunting ground limits were never established in the peace treaty but the Heelos insist on it...
  • Heelos caught stealing from Hokies

    Heelos caught stealing from Hokies
    The Hokies were noticing an increasing shortage in food and supplies so they sent people to scout and investigate and they saw that the Heelos were sneaking out at night and stealing from them
  • Hokies notice more irritability in the Heelos

    Hokies notice more irritability in the Heelos
    The Hokies have been noticing that the Heelos are a little more on edge and irritable than usual, and whenever they try and ask the Heelos about it, they get even more angry and refuse to speak with them
  • First fight between the cultures

    First fight between the cultures
    Both of the cultures were startled by the sound of a fight. They rushed to the scene and saw 2 people, each a respected member of their culture, physically fighting over who's culture is better! The cultures knew this day was coming, it was inevitable with the growing irritability of the Heelos and the Hokies persistently trying to talk to them about it.
  • 2nd fight about water

    2nd fight about water
    There was yet another dispute over who gets to take from the river that flows between the lands of the cultures. With the impending coldfront, they both needed to stock up on water but the Heelos were trying to tell the Hokies that the river belonged to them! The Hokies tried to get them to share but the Heelos were refusing like 2 kids fighting over something.
  • Hokies lose people from shortage of water

    Hokies lose people from shortage of water
    Due to the shortage of water from the Heelos not letting them have any, the 17 hokies died from dehydration. The Hokies were not happy about this but they tried talking it over with the Heelos but of course the Heelos just got irritated with them and left the area.
  • Hokies start arguing with Heelos over deaths

    Hokies start arguing with Heelos over deaths
    Finally, the Hokies have had enough of the Heelos constantly being irritable with them and not letting have any water so they confronted them about it and they got into a major argument that ended with the threat of a war!
  • Heelos start war against Hokies

    Heelos start war against Hokies
    Finally after all this arguing, the inevitable happened and the Heelos declared war against the Hokies! The Hokies have been trying to not be hostile towards the Heelos but they will not tolerate this.
  • First battle of the war

    First battle of the war
    Today was the day of the first battle of the war between the cultures. It was fought across the river dividing the 2 culture's land and 23 Heelos were killed, along with 19 Hokies. But this did not mark the end of the war.
  • The Heelo massacre

    The Heelo massacre
    On the night of December 8th, the Hokies snuck into the Heelo village while the Heelos were asleep and they broke into their houses and killed 67 of them! This was a very impacting blow on the Heelos and might cost them the war...
  • Heelos re-inforce their village

    Heelos re-inforce their village
    After the horrible massacre the Hokies caused, the Heelos decided to reinforce there village by building a wall with watchtowers around their village. They would have gaurds in the watchtowers to make sure the Heelos didn't sneak up on them
  • 2nd major battle between the cultures

    2nd major battle between the cultures
    The Heelos were not going to let the massacre just slide by, so they marched legion of troops down to the Hokies village to try and take them by surprise but the Hokies were prepared. The battle lasted 4 days and 33 Heelos were killed along with 24 Hokies.
  • 4th and final battle of the war

    This was the biggest, bloodies battle ever in the cultural war. This was the battle that put the Heelos to exctinction and marked the Hokies as the champions, but this was no celebration. The Hokies didn't want any of this violence, they just wanted cooperation but the Heelos presisted on conflict.