Growth of British Power in India

  • British East Indian Company

    a common goal of wanting to profit from trade. the company responded to political instability in India in the early eighteenth
    century by extending political control.
  • Treaty of Paris

    resolved the 7 years war. Recognized British control much of India. Winning the war this treaty gave Britain control over India
  • nineteenth century

    During this time the British government replaced the company. Travel and communication between Britain and India became much faster, safer, and more predictable in this period.
  • faster travel and communication

    with the newly invented steamship they created Suez Canal,
    which connected the Mediterranean and Red Seas, the voyage by steamship from England to India took only three weeks. Also, the invention of a telegraph made a letter that would normally take 1 year to get a response on only took a couple of months or even hours.This created it easier for Britain to travel and communicate with India
  • Expansion of imports and exports

    During this time Britain imported India's raw cotton but also exported machine-spun yarn and machine-woven cloth, displacing millions of Indian hand-spinners and hand-weavers. This increases the growth and involvement between Britain and India.