Growth and Change In Georgia

  • spread of Religon

    Baptists and Methodist churches are established and spreaded around the "Belt of the South"
    No exact date
  • Period: to

    The Growth and Change of Georgia

    This timeline represents and shows the dates when Georgia was growing and changing for the better.
  • The University of Georgia

    On January 27, 1785 the university of Georgia was created. The founder of this popular university is Abrham Baldwin. This university was the first public university and the first school open to lower class students in the United States.
  • Augusta

    Augusta is declared the state capital of Georgia. After decideding if the state government shuld reside in Savannah and Augusta.
  • African American Religion

    African Ameicans establish their first church on 1778 in Savnnah.
    +++No exact date+++
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin. This machine helped seperate fiber from the cotton seed. It all started when Whitney's friend who owned a cotton mill would always have her machine jammed. This benefitted because before the gin only 5-7 pounds of cotton was separted, after 30-50 pounds were separted. This increased productivity and trade.
  • Louisville

    Louisville is now the new capital of Georgia. This city was named after King Louis the sixteenth.
  • Milledgeville

    Milledgeville becomes the 3rd capital of Georgia.
    +++No exact date++
  • The End of Louisville

    Louisville really ended being capital in 1806, but lawmakers had passed an act about changing the capital to Midgeville. This happened due to the spread of malaria, and the decrease of trade.
  • New Transportation

    Railroads were starting to be constructed .
    No exact date
  • City Name Change

    The city of Terminus is now named Marthasville.
    No exact date
  • Railroads

    More than 1200 miles of railroads were in Georgia.
    No exact date
  • Milledgeville

    Milledgeville isn't the captial of Georgia anymore, it is now Atlanta.
  • Atlanta

    On Apri 20, 1868 Atlanta became Georgia's last state capital after Midgeville.