Erikson timeline picture 1

Growing up under Erik Erikson Psychosocial stages

  • Day of Independence

    Day of Independence
    Autonomy Vs Shame and doubt
    In this stage, happens between age 18 month to 3 years; the child focus on independence from physical skills to developing sense of personal control. If this stage does not happen and the child is criticized, not allow to have control or given an opportunity to assert themselves could lead to shame or the feeling of being inadequate.
    The day the child decides on what they will wear. The choice are interesting but this is a day they feel independent.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    Industry vs Inferiority
    This stage happens between ages 5 to 12 years, this where the child learns to read, write and sums to do things on their own. Teacher and peers play important roles on building the child self-esteem. If child doesn't build these specific skills may feel inferior.
    This is a big day in a child life, their off to school to meet their teacher who will teach them new skills. Their peers have influence on them from things they may like or dislike.
  • Discovering who I want to be

    Discovering who I want to be
    Identity vs Role Confusion
    This stage, happens age 12 to 18 years, this where the child develops sense of self through exploration of personal values, beliefs, and goals. The failure to form their own identity could lead to confusion of not knowing who they are in society.
    This is the child transition between adolescences to adulthood.