growing up

  • my Birthday

    my Birthday
    I was born in Burlington,Vermont, at _____.
  • Period: to

    born to 5th grade

  • twin towers

    i was one years old when this happened, mt grammie was there when it heppened.
  • trip to emergemncy room

    my brother was throwing rocks when one hit me in the head. first trip to emergency room!
  • 3rd garde all over agian.

    2009-2010 is the year I repeated third grade.
  • drink day

    a day in fith grade that you got a group and created your own drink!
  • academics

    "outstanding Academic Achivement".
  • presidents education award

    5th grade. sencond semester.
  • going to middle school

    Around may 21-25, 2012 I "graduated" 5th grade. All ready for middle school!
  • 6th grade trip

    we went to peter piper pizzas, and the movies. we watched oz the great and powerfull.
  • Period: to

    middle school

  • new "sister"

    On sep,28,2013 I got matched with a new big sister. I was in this program where you fill out a servey and they match you to some one older than 18 that has the same dislikes and likes as you. it comepletly safe theres background checks and stuff like that. the program is called big brother big sister,.
  • state confrence

    I went on state conferance for student council.
  • 7th grade trip

    we went to white sand. it was a fun day. this was a scievnce flied trip. we walked one of the trials.
  • birthday cake face

    my brother smeared cupcake frosting all over my face! It was everywhere, on me, the floor, and it slightly died my hair.
  • oreo

    Orientation for arrow head and i got lots of homework for the summer. :(
  • Period: to

    high school

  • graduation

    my mom graduated from collage!
  • ready for highscool

    start highschool over the summer. fun!
  • student council

    when highschool starts i want to join student council.
  • divers llicence?

    over the summer or the school year of 2016-2017 i plan on taking drivers ed.
  • Period: to

    adult life; family, job, ect...

    the time i go to collage, get job, marry, have a house and kids.
  • adult life starting

    graduate with assoceates degree before graduating from highschool.
  • start collage

    between 2019-2020 start collage.
  • night out in the town

    the day i finally get to drink. ;)
  • finish collage

    Finish collage with masters or DO degree
  • steady job

    I'll have a job that pays the bills, food, and some extra for saving and stuff like that.
  • start a family

    I'll have three kids, and be married. by 2028
  • promotion

    around 2030 get a promation, and higher pay grade.
  • Period: to


    take care of kids, grow in career, ect....
  • start traveling

    by this time i should have the money to start traveling and going places.
  • get partners

  • get own practice

    after i become a doctor ill ste=art planing to get my own practice.
  • Period: to

    growing old

    finishing career, setteling down.
  • retire

    Around my late 50's to early 60's i plan on retireing
  • prediction of death

    the day i die with mariah.