planting the tabacco seeds in the seed bed
The tabacco season stared as early as January -
During the winter
Forests were cleared to make new feilds for tobacco -
Tabacco ruined the soil after 4 or 5 years
New feilds had to be constanly prepared -
After 2 months the tabacco was large enough to transplant
In preporation for the for planting, the soil in field is hoed into small mounds or hills. -
Late summer or early fall the tabacco is harvested
The entire stalk of tobacco was cut down and left there to wilt. -
Hung to dry for six to ten weeks
Stakes were hung in barns to dry. -
once were dried they were taken down and stripped.
Often done on rainy days. -
tobacco was packed into barrels
hogheads could hold 200 to 500 pounds of tobacco -
hogheads had to be transported
workers rolled the barrels of tobacco down roads to get to the harbor