1st transcontinental telegraph line
Western Union completes the first transcontinental telegraph line -- providing coast-to-coast communications during the U.S. Civil War. -
Phonograph invented
Edison invents the cylinder "phonograph" used to record and playback sound. Originally thought to be useful as a business machine for dictation (like the dictaphone which would come later.) Other uses: recordings of plays pre-dating Radio Drama nearly 50 years. -
Microphone Invented
Emile Berliner invents the first microphone and sells the rights to Bell Telephone. -
Emile Berliner invents the flat record player
Emile Berliner invents the flat record player ("gramophone") using acoustic horn and licenses technology to record companies who make "70-rpm" disks. -
Louis Glass invents the modern Jukebox
Louis Glass invents the modern jukebox (coin-operated phonograph) and installs it at the "Palais Royal" saloon in San Francisco where it is an immediate hit.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvGxC926hQM -
12"Diameter Records
The first 12 inch) diameter records were released on the Monarch label. HMV Italiana released Verdi�s �Ernani� on 40 single sided disc http://www.soc.duke.edu/~s142tm01/history2.html -
Diode Thermionic Valve
Fleming invented the diode thermionic valve and, later, Lee de Forest the triode. Electrical recording had become a possibility. http://www.soc.duke.edu/~s142tm01/history2.html -
Clockwork Gramophone Motors
Electrical recording was in the experimental stage. Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra produced the first million seller with �Japanese Sandman� coupled with �Whispering� and began a major new popular music craze that boosted the record industry throughout the decade. Garrard Engineering, a subsidiary of the British Crown jewellers, commenced manufacture of precision clockwork gramophone motors. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110408001205AA8q9XU -
Linear Speed Recording
Mons Remy of Belgium and Messieurs Dolon, Renaux and Debrabant, of France, together applied for a French patent covering constant linear speed recording. In England Noel Pemberton Billing independently developed a similar system, UK Patent 195,673/204,728. Pemberton Billing is also famous for founding the Supermarine Aircraft Company which made the Schneider Trophy Winners and the Spitfire of World War II.
http://www.academicentertainment.com/musictech -
Developed technology for capturing sound with a microphone, amplifying it with vacuum tubes, then using the amplified signal to drive an electromagnetic recording head. Western Electric's innovations resulted in a greatly expanded and more even frequency response, creating a dramatically fuller, clearer and more natural-sounding recording
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramophone_record -
Vitaphone introduces a sound system to synchronize music and sound effects with a motion picture; It uses a 16-inch disc turntable that is connected to the projector. Operators have to continuously adjust the synchronization of the grooves to the picture, which was not perfect. link: www.classicthemes.com/technology/Timelines.html -
Bell Laboratories
developed a 33 1/3 rpm disk system to synchronize a music track for the Warner Brothers film "Don Juan" containing music composed by William Axt. link: www.classicthemes.com/technology/Timelines.html -
Swing Dance
The Duke Ellington recording of "It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing" starts the "swing music" dance craze. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUn4TyP6oOE link: www.classicthemes.com/technology/Timelines.html -
Billboard magazine publishes its first chart of top-selling records. link: www.classicthemes.com/technology/Timelines.html -
James Petrillo
James Petrillo's American Federation of Musicians (AF of M) Union begins a "recording ban" from Aug., 1942 - Nov., 1944 to force record companies to pay royalties, which starts the decline of the big-band era in favor of vocal groups and "crooner" vocalists. link: www.classicthemes.com/technology/Timelines.html link: www.classicthemes.com/technology/Timelines.html -
Plate Reverb
EMT releases plate reverb this is an electro mechanical device. this is like a loud speacker but with out the paper cone. -
Stereo Tapes
Stero tape recordings first appear -
This is the first keyboard to actually give you the sound of the actual instrusment. -
Robert Moog
Robert Moog shows elements of his first synthesizers. -
CPU is invented. Until now, all electronic equipment has used discrete components to do particular jobs. -
The Video Casstette is Ceated
Invented by Charles B.Grinburg http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern_3.htm -
Formats VHS
Video tape in a large cassette format introduced by both JVC and Panasonic in the year of. http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern_3.htm -
Invention Of the Dolby Casette Tape
The Dolby A, C, and the short lived Dolby S were a revolution in portable music. Both were made by the Sony Company. http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern_3.htm -
Invention of the Floppy Disk
Invented by Allan Shugart in 1952 first sold in 1976 by Sony. http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern_3.htm -
Ink Jet Printers
First introduced in 1953 then sold in mass in 1977. http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern_3.htm -
The FCC Requires Cable TV systems
Oer 3,500 Cable Subscribers in 1980. http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/modern_3.htm