Group 3

  • 1619

    1st black indentured servant in Jamestowns
  • 1791

    First Bank of America was chartered
  • 1793

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
  • 1816

    Clay's American system aka 2nd Bank of America
  • 1828

    Tariff of Abominations, led to the nullification crisis, tariff on imports
  • 1832

    Jackson vetos bill to recharter bank of america
  • 1834

    McCormick reaper, used to harvest grain and small crops, pulled by horse
  • 1861

    start of the civil war
  • 1862

    homestead act, 160 acres of land given to citizens in west if cultivated for 5 years
  • 1865

    End of the civil war
  • 1867

    Cattle boom, accelerates the settlement of the great plains
  • 1869

    knights of labor formed
  • 1877

    Munn v. Illinois case, set a max rate of grain storage
  • 1878

    Land Allison act, partial coinage of silver
  • 1882

    Chinese exclusion act
  • 1886

    Wabash V. Illinois, weakened Munn v. illinois
  • 1886

    American federation of labor formed
  • 1887

    Interstate commerce commission, controlled railroads
  • 1890

    sherman anti trust act
  • 1892

    homestead strike
  • 1892

    populist party organized
  • 1894

    Pullman boycott
  • 1902

    justice department invokes Sherman Anti Trust Act
  • 1903

    Elkins Act of 1903
  • 1906

    The pure drug and food act
  • 1907

    Immigration Act of 1907
  • 1913

    federal reserves act
  • 1914

    Start of WW1
  • 1914

    Clayton Anti trust act
  • 1917

    Immigration Avt of 1917 (literacy tests on immigrants)
  • 1924

    Immigration act of 1924, set quotas on number of immigrants from specific countries
  • 1929

    reformed act of 1924 to 150,000, established national origins system
  • 1930

    Smoot-hawley tariff act, raised tariffs to help great depression
  • 1933

    Agricultural Adjustment act, part of new deal, government paid farmers not to grow extra crops
  • 1935

    Wagner Act, Social security Act
  • 1938

    Fair Labor Standards Acts
  • 1939

    Neutrality Act of 1939
  • 1947

    Taft- Hartley Act
  • 1952

    Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, changed quotas
  • 1961

    consolidated Farm and rural development act
  • 1965

    Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (Hart-Celler Act)