The Ancient Greeks
-- There were festivals held once a year for the gods.
-- All of the actors were men.
-- Aristotle developed the first theory of drama. -
The Romans
Characters began not to wear masks which allowed character development and interaction. Christian Romans disaproved of theatre and discouraged people from going. By the 6th century, theatre was banned. -
Jan 1, 1500
The 16th Century
Theaters began to be built all over Europe Traveling groups of actors begean to find rich people to fund them. Commedia dell'Arte gained popularity throughout Europe and strongly influenced comedy as we know it. -
17th Century
- Started making indoor theaters.
- Oliver Cromwell closed all theaters during the Civil War in 1642.
- Theater at this time was only for educated people.
18th Century
- very fashionable
- play houses where large and more of a production
- German began to developed and masterpieces where being written and preformed
19th Century
-Very large theaters were built, seating 3,500
-They began with a fairy tale story
-The tradition of men playing older, comic women developed, called dames. -
Eary 20th Century
There was move towards realism.The play as a whole wsa considered more important than individual actors and this more naturalistic atyle was the beginning of what moxt people recongize as good acting. -
Medieval Theatre
1) Plays began to be used in religous festivals to teach people the bible stories.
2) Each group of craftsman acted out a bible story to form a cycle
3) The plays were stories clear-cut Good and Evil with a moral ending
4) Because the actors in comedy parts choose to speek in their own language, the church disapproved of them