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Green Sea Turtle

  • Period: to

    Green Sea Turtle population decline do to miss use

    The Green Sea Turtles are known as commercial food (turtle soup) and are hunted for their shell, meat, oil, skin, and eggs.
  • The concern for the population of the Green Sea Turtle starts.

    The population of the green sea turtle is decreasing at a slow rate because there is a rising concern for the future of the species. This also causes the demand for turtle products to decrease.
  • As the demand grows for the green turtle the population is decreasing.

    Population began to decline again as demand for gourmet food (turtle soup) , the shell, leather, meat, oil, and skin are increasing.
  • Fibropapillomatosis is identified again

    First citing of this disease in a decades since 1930. It's a disease, linked to human pollutants, that affects sea turtles. It is marked by the presence of large tumors all over the turtle's body and cause the turtle to have bad eye site.
  • Green Sea turtle population at all time low

    The population drops to an estimated 100,000 - 400,000 green sea turtles remaining.
  • Hawaii mandates regulations

    These regulations provide protection for the green turtle on paper but in reality was not followed
  • NOAA fisheries founded

    Helps protect aquatic life especially green sea turtles.
  • Listed on Endangered Species Act of 1978

    The Green Sea Turtle becomes endangered, and joins the list, earning them the protection of the Endangered Species Act of 1978.
  • CITES sets rule about sea total pats

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species establishes that international trade of sea turtle parts is illegal.
  • Green Sea Turtle population begins to rise

    The population of Green Sea Turtles begins to rise immediately thanks to the ESA and because of increasing public awareness.
  • Epidemic of the Fibropapillomatosis disease

    Many sea turtles were affected by this epidemic which caused the turtle population to shift down a little, but then it continues to grow steadily again.
  • Turtle Island Heritage Protected Area

    The TIHPA protects areas where the green sea turtle nests are prevalent. So they can boost the population out of endangered.
  • Specially Protected Areas of Wildlife SPAW

    The green sea turtle becomes protected under Annex II of the Specially Protected Areas of Wildlife, a regulation that aims in conserving areas where green sea turtles nest.
  • IAC legal framework

    The Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles with developing laws to protect sea turtles legally in the U.S. and Caribbean.
  • The ASEAN Sea Turtle Conservation and Protection has a new mangdate

    This mandate promotes the conservation, protection, replenishing, and recovery of the sea turtles and habitats.
  • Fisheries Service denied a permit in California and Oregon coasts.

    Denied a permit that would have allowed drift-gillnet vessels to operate in a protected area off the California and Oregon coasts.
  • The National Marine Fisheries Service ordered a six-month emergency closure

    The closure of the bottom longline fishery in the Gulf; the closure would allow the agency to determine whether and how the fishery could continue to operate while ensuring the survival of sea turtles over the long term.
  • The National Marine Fisheries Service and Fish and Wildlife Service issued a proposed rule to change the status of U.S. North Pacific and Northwest Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles from threatened to endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

    The government also proposed listing loggerhead sea turtles around the globe as nine separate populations, each with its own threatened or endangered status.
  • After a record 322 dead sea turtles were found on Gulf beaches.

    The Center and allies filed a notice of intent to sue the National Marine Fisheries Service if it didn't protect all endangered turtles in the region, including loggerheads, from entanglement and drowning in shrimp trawls.
  • The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida ruled that the Fisheries Service violated the law.

    When it failed to consider a reasonable range of options to protect loggerhead sea turtles in the Gulf and refused to take a fresh look at the Gulf bottom longline fishery's impact on sea turtles after the massive BP oil spill.
  • Conservation groups asked a federal court in Washington, D.C.

    To hold the National Marine Fisheries Service accountable for its role in the shrimp trawl-related deaths of endangered sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The National Marine Fisheries Service proposed new protections for sea turtles.

    That would require escape hatches in shrimp nets used by boats that operate in the shallow, inshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico and southeast Atlantic Ocean.
  • In response to pressure from conservation groups.

    the National Marine Fisheries Service announced an area closure for the swordfish drift gill-net fishery in the Pacific Ocean off Southern California from July 25 through August 31 to prevent entanglements and drownings of endangered sea turtles.
  • slight increase in population for green turtles

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    Padre Island National Seashore staff, volunteers, and our partners in the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network.

    Rescued over 4,000 green sea turtles in Texas inchore waters during the winter
  • Jarvis island has the highest population density for green sea turtles

  • Population begins to fall for Green Sea turtle

    because of nesting issues increase
  • With all these programs in place

    Ultimately with all these organizations and laws put in place scientist predict that the population will increase slightly in the coming years and speculate whether the species doesn’t become critically endangered later on in the future due to, the increasingly prevalent factors like overpopulation and global warming. Which may have a negative impact on the population in the forceable future.