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Bryce's Greek Timeline

  • 1000 BCE

    Formation of Greek city-states

    Formation of Greek city-states
    The formation of Greek city states began with the Mycenaean civilization and was forming for about 500 years. By 500 BC, many more civilizations would later form around the area in Greece. These city states are later going to be relevant to the Persian Wars because most city-states choose either the Persian or Greek side in the war.
  • 725 BCE

    Sparta Creates a Military City-State

    Sparta Creates a Military City-State
    The Spartan city state in ancient Greece had always strongly emphasized military. Everyone in Sparta was put through military school, and everything in Sparta was determined by military state. This devotion to a strong military would later aid them in the Pelopennisian and Persian wars.
  • 725 BCE

    Greeks Create a Strong Water Military

    Greeks Create a Strong Water Military
    Greece was a water based civilization. This geography caused the Greeks to learn to live off of the water. They created a strong navy and became good fighters at sea. During the Persian War this skill will help them defeat the Persians.
  • 720 BCE

    Athens Attend Military School

    Athens Attend Military School
    It was mandatory that all Athenian women and men attended military school for a minimum of two years. This benefitted them in the end because it taught them fighting and strategy skills to use in future wars.
  • 500 BCE

    Athens Send Aid to Help the Greeks in War

    Athens Send Aid to Help the Greeks in War
    Athens, a Greek city state, was informed of the Persian war. They knew that Persia outnumbered the Greeks, so the Athens then sent over helpful military equipment and other supplies which helped the Greeks defeat Persia which took 10 years. After Sparta won the battle, the Persians later invade Athens, but are defeated.
  • 480 BCE

    Victory at the Island of Salimis

    Victory at the Island of Salimis
    Athens knew Persia was making their way over to attack them with 25,000 soldiers. Athens positions their battle near the sea, where they are known to be good fighters. The Athenians drive the Persians into the sea for battle and defeat them. The Persians were not a well trained navy so the Athenians had outsmarted them by battling in the sea. This shows the cleverness of the Athenians and causes the Persians to surrender once again.
  • 480 BCE

    Sacrifice of the Spartans

    Sacrifice of the Spartans
    The Spartans were defending the Greek city states during the Second Persian War. The Spartans knew that the Greeks were going to lose this battle to the Persians, so they warned all of Athen's people to get out of the area. When the Persians arrived they killed 300 Spartans. This proves the allies formed between many of the Greek city states. It took them 4 years to do it.
  • 475 BCE

    Delian League led by Athens

    Delian League led by Athens
    The Delian League was an alliance between Greek city states. After Athen's victory in the Persian War, they became the head of the Delian League. This title gave Athen's power and authority over other Greek city-states, and led them in to their Golden Age and it lasted 45 years.
  • 430 BCE

    Peloponnesian Wars

    Peloponnesian Wars
    The Peloponnesian Wars were fought between Athens and Sparta, two city states in ancient Greece. The cause of the war was after the Athenians took control of the Delian League, Athens began to abuse their power. Spartans became angry and started to revolt against them. The war lasted about 25 years, but in the end Sparta was victorious. At the end of the war, Sparta became the new head of the Delian League. The Peloponnesian Wars lasted 26 years.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander Defeats Persia and Egypt

    Alexander Defeats Persia and Egypt
    Alexander the Great was the son of Phillip II, and student of the philosopher, Aristotle. Alexander was a strong military leader and ruthless politician. He used his ruling power to invade Persia and Egypt, taking their land for his empire. Alexander was very successful in explanding the Macedonian empire and culture. Eventually the basis of hellenism will come from Alexander's conquests. It took 11 years to defeat Persia and Egypt.