499 BCE
The Persian War
The Persian Wars fell between 499-449 BCE! The Persian Empire tried to conquer Greece three times but failed every time. The Persian Empire wanted revenge on the Athenians after they helped one of their Colonies.They Specifically wanted revenge on Anatolia. Darius declined the revolt and promised to take down Athens! -
499 BCE
The Persian Wars
The Persian Wars fell between 499-449 BCE! The Persian Empire tried to conquer Greece three times but failed every time. The Persian Empire wanted revenge on the Athenians after they helped one of their Colonies.They Specifically wanted revenge on Anatolia. Darius declined the revolt and promised to take down Athens! -
490 BCE
The Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon was the first battle it was one of the early battle that the greek won! They one it by using the Phalanx formation at the city state Marathon! After the win the Pheidippides ran 26 miles to let everyone know that Athens had one the battle. The Marathon race is named after the battle. -
490 BCE
The Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon was the first battle it was one of the early battle that the greek won! They one it by using the Phalanx formation at the city state Marathon! After the win the Pheidippides ran 26 miles to let everyone know that Athens had one the battle. The Marathon race is named after the battle. -
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae
The Battle of Thermopylae took place in 480 BCE. The Greeks united to stop Xerxes from taking Athens 300 Spartans + 7000 other greeks against 10,000 persians.so all the greeks combined forces! 300 Spartans held Thermopylae a mountain pass for days but lost, but the Spartans found a secret mountain pass! -
480 BCE
The Battle of Thermoylae
The Battle of Thermopylae took place in 480 BCE. The Greeks united to stop Xerxes from taking Athens 300 Spartans + 7000 other greeks against 10,000 persians.so all the greeks combined forces! 300 Spartans held Thermopylae a mountain pass for days but lost, but the Spartans found a secret mountain pass! -
480 BCE
Battle of Salamis
The Battle of Salamis 480 BCE. The Persians and Greeks were fighting in sea battle! Greeks sink ⅓ of the Persians! GREEKS WON THE PERSIAN WAR! -
479 BCE
The Golden Age
What led to the Golden Age was the economic prosperity of Athens. The Golden age is the age where athens became very wealthy and very powerful as the leader of the Delian League. The Golden age occurred between the Persian war and the Peloponnesian War, which was between 479-431 BCE! Pericles was the leader in Athens during the Golden Age. Classical art was also a big part of the Golden Age! It showed pure beauty! Theatre was a huge part of Athens! -
479 BCE
The Golden Age
What led to the Golden Age was the economic prosperity of Athens. The Golden age is the age where athens became very wealthy and very powerful as the leader of the Delian League. The Golden age occurred between the Persian war and the Peloponnesian War, which was between 479-431 BCE! Pericles was the leader in Athens during the Golden Age. Classical art was also a big part of the Golden Age! I showed pure beauty! Theatre was a huge part of Athens! -
431 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
The Peloponnesian Wars is where Athens became way too powerful as the leader of the Delian League. They built powerful navy and trading empire. Some of the Greek city state wanted to leave the Delian League know that the persian threat is gone.Athens punishes the Delian league by punishing them and conquering them.the peloponnesian war was between 431-404 BCE. Pericles the leader of Athens brought all the citizens behind the wall. -
430 BCE
The Plague of Athens
In 430 BCE a plague hit Athens. This plague was so bad, that ⅓ of the population died including Pericles. So that means sparta wins the war both city states are weakened by the war. That Phillip the 2 defeats Greece. -
323 BCE
Hellenism started in 323 BCE. Alexander the Great's Empire combined all 4 great empires, Greece, Persia, India, and Egypt. The combination of Greek influence with eastern ideas creates a new culture known as the Hellenistic culture. Alexandria, Egypt was the most important city for Hellenistic culture and was a city of knowledge for many years. Mant mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers studied in Alexandria.