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Greek Leader By Madison Cline

  • 323


    Alexander died in Babylon at the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II
  • 327


    Marries Roxane; begins march to India
  • 330


    Sacks and burns Persepolis; the trial & execution of Philotas; assassination of Parmenion
  • 332

    Invaded India

    Invaded India
    invaded India in 326 BC
  • 332


    Wins siege of Tyre; attacks Gaza, which falls
  • 333

    Battle with Darius

    Wins Battle at Issus against Darius
  • 334

    Battle of the Granicus

    Battle of the Granicus
    Wins Battle of the Granicus
  • 336

    Alexander takes the throne

    Alexander takes the throne
    Alexander got the throne in 336 BC after Philip was assassinated. Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and the army
  • Battle of Chaeronea

    Battle of Chaeronea
  • Kills Black Cleitus

    Kills Black Cleitus for an insult at Samarkand