757 BCE
The First Messenian War
The first war fought between the city-state Sparta and the Messenians. A fierce rivalry existed between the two city-states who were in close proximity to one another. While there are multiple catalyst to the war the one thought to have started the fighting was the theft of cattle from the Messenian Olympic Champion. The war was violent and bloody with Sparta reigning victorious and dominating Messenia however more wars would occur between the states. -
754 BCE
Polydorus becomes king of Sparta
Polydorus commanded the Spartan forces during the First Messenian War. He is believed to have changed the Spartan constitution so that kings and the Gerousia (the spartan council of elders) could reject decisions made by the male citizen body. -
725 BCE
The Lelantine War
Fought between the two city states Chalcis and Eretria both located on Greek's second largest island Euboea. The conflict began with both sides laying claim to the fertile land of the Lelantine Plain, both sides gained allies. While the ultimate outcome is unclear Chalcis was most likely the victor but both sides had lost power economically and politically. -
719 BCE
Death of Polydorus
Was murdered by Polymarchus -
690 BCE
Pheidon becomes tyrant of Argos
Pheidon seized control of the city state of Argos who was controlled by a weak monarchy. He ruled with toughness but Argos prospered and grew in strength during his reign. -
685 BCE
The Second Messenian War
Another conflict between the city states Sparta and Messenia, started with a Messenia slave uprising. -
665 BCE
The Second Messenian War Ends
Sparta was once again the victor of the war and returned Messenia back to their slave status. The war resulted in Sparta gaining a lot of military power. -
656 BCE
Cypselus becomes the tyrant of Corinth
642 BCE
Battus establishes a Greek colony in Cyrene and Libya
Battus I of Cyrene was the founder of the first Greek colony in Cyrene and the founder of the Battiad Dynasty. -
632 BCE
Cylon seizes Acropolis
Athenian noble Cylon seizes Acropolis, fails to make himself king -
590 BCE
Sappho the greek poet flourishes on Lesbos -
525 BCE
Cambyses II
Persian Cambyses II (son of Cyrus the Great) takes Egypt -
515 BCE
Hippias becomes sole rule of Athens are the death of Hipparchus