Greece Timeline Project

By 1703368
  • 550 BCE

    Athens's Government Change to Democracy

    Around fifth century BC, Athens became a democracy. They wanted to let citizens vote directly whether or not they want to pass a law. Tyrants, Draco and Solon, were the ones who paved the way to democracy. The development of democracy in Athens shows that today’s democracy came from Athens.
  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    Persian War

    Darius the Great started the Persian War, which was in 499-449 BCE, because Athens helped one of its colonies when Persians were conquering places. The Persian War was mainly divided into 3 fights, which are Battle of Marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, and Battle of Salamis. This fight is significant because the Persians were very strong at that time period but the Athens defended their land.
  • Period: 478 BCE to 404 BCE

    Golden Age of Athens

    The Athens faced their Golden Age after winning the battle against the Persians. They became rich since they were the leader of the Delian League. Athens also became very powerful because they used the funds from other countries to raise their military power to defend the Persian invades. This history is significant because the arts and statues from Athens in their golden age is still preserved today.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian League

    The Athens became too powerful, so the Spartans made the Peloponnesian League to counter the Delian League. The Peloponnesian League was made in 431 BC. The members included Macedonia, and they conquer Greece after the Peloponnesian War. This history leads to the next event, which is the Peloponnesian War, where the Athens gets defeated.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    After Sparta made the Peloponnesian league, they decided to invade Athens because Athens became too powerful. Pericles, the leader of Athens, brings all the citizens behind the city’s wall for protection, but it turned out to make everyone sick. Both Sparta and Athens were weakened by that fight but Spartans eventually wins the war. This event is significant because it leads to the next event, where Phillip the II of Macedonia conquers Greece.
  • 399 BCE

    Death of Socrates

    The leaders of Athens did not want a critic like Socrates in their city. They decided to kill him for neglecting the gods and for corrupting the youth of Athens by encouraging them to consider new ideas. In year 399 BC, Socrates dies by drinking poison. Many of Socrates’s quotes still remain today. It is important to know how he lived during his life.
  • 338 BCE

    Macedonia Conquered Greece

    Because the Spartans were weakened after the Peloponnesian War, the king of Macedonia, Phillip the II, conquered Greece to earn more land. This event leads to the next fight, where King Alexander invades Greece.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE


    Hellenism started in Alexander the Great’s period. Alexander made Hellenism by combining the knowledge of 4 great empires, which are Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India. Alexandria was called the city of knowledge and was the most important city. Many hellenistic art showed realistic, emotional faces of people and tend to show movement. Hellenism is significant since today’s museum and big libraries are from Hellenism.