Ancient greece

Greece Timeline Project

  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    The Persian Wars

    The Persian Wars started in 449 BC, when Athens helped one of the Persian colonies rebel against Persian rule and Darius promised to conquer Athens. The Persian Wars were a series of battles, most of them took place in Greece. The wars ended in 449 BC and had a huge historical significance. Because of the Persian Wars, Greek city-states had to work together. Athens became very powerful and wealthy. The Delian League was formed, which caused Athens to become the strongest Greek city-state.
  • Period: 461 BCE to 429 BCE

    The Golden Age of Athens

    The Golden Age was a time period that lasted for 32 years, from 461 BC to 429 BC. During the Golden Age, Athens was the most powerful and wealthy Greek city-state, while also being the leader of the Delian League. During this time period, Pericles was the leader of Athens. His actions had a huge historical significance because he improved democracy, established the strongest navy and changed the way Athens looked. He also introduced classical art and theatre.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War started in 431 BC and ended in 401 BC. After the Persians were gone, Greek city-states wanted to leave the Delian League. Athens punished each city-state that tried. This caused Sparta to create the Peloponnesian League and fight Athens, lead by Pericles. Unfortunately, there was a plague that killed 1/3 of the population. Sparta conquered Athens. This war had a huge significance because after the war, both city-states were weak and they got defeated by Philip the II.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE


    Hellenism was a time period between 323 BC and 31 BC. After Alexander's death, his empire combined the knowledge of Greece, India, Egypt and Persia. This combination created the Hellenistic culture. This time period was extremely important because Alexandria became the culture's most important city. Scientists, philosophers and mathematicians went there to get more knowledge. Without Hellenism, we wouldn't know as much about physics, mathematics, astronomy and medicine as we do now.