
Greece Timeline

  • 499 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    The battle of Marathon was the first war between the Persian Empire and Greeks. The battle took place in the Greek city-state, Marathon. That’s why it adopted the name of the battle of Marathon. The battle started because Greece conquered one of the Persian colonies. The historical significance is the Phalanx formation; in which the soldiers fight side by side with a spear and shield. After their victory Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform Athens of their victory.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    Battle of Salamis
    The Battle of Salamis was the sea battle in which Greeks sink one-third of the Persian fleet. This war happened after the Battle of Marathon. Greeks won the Persian Wars.
  • 478 BCE

    Delian League Emerges

    Delian League Emerges
    The Delian League was created after Greece is liberated from the threat of the Persians. Athens became very wealthy and powerful. Athens was the leader of the Delian League: alliance between Greek city-states that provided common defense against the Persian Empire in case of attack. Athens built a powerful navy with their funds. Athens conquered many city-states making them slaves. Athens had a large empire: colonies along the Balck Sea, Turkey, and island in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    The Peloponnesian War was the war between Athenians and Spartans. The war started because Athens became too powerful, and didn't want Greek city-states to leave the Delian League so they conquered many Greek city-states making the conquered Greece people slaves. In the war Athenians population died from a plague that killed 1/3 of the citizens. Ultimately Sparta wins the war. After the wars both city states were weakened that were easily conquered by Philip II.
  • 338 BCE

    Philip II Conquered Greece

    Philip II Conquered Greece
    After the Peloponnesian War both city-states are so weakened by the war, that Philip II of Mesopotamia easily conquers Greece. Philip treated some cities more harshly than others. After Philip defeated the Thebans he held Theban prisoners for ransom or sold the into slavery. Philip executed the leaders of the Thebans anti-Macedonian group, and established a new government under his control. Philip stationed a military post, or garrison, permanently in Thebes to help prevent future uprisings.
  • 333 BCE

    Alexander the Great Conquered Greece + Persian Empire

    Alexander the Great Conquered Greece + Persian Empire
    After Philip the second death, his son Alexander was to lead his dad Empire. But it wasn't easy the Greeks revolted and Alexander had to conquered them. He later conquered Persia, Egypt and Egypt. He did this to complete his father's dream of conquer the Persian Empire. However, this conquers affected Alexander that he became sick and died of Malaria.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander Creates Alexandria

    Alexander Creates Alexandria
    Alexandria is a port city in the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt. Alexandria was one of the largest and most prosperous city in the ancient world. The city grew from a small port town to became the grandest and most important metropolis in Egypt. Alexander united all knowledge from the four empires and combined them to create this city. (https://www.ancient.eu/alexandria/).
  • 323 BCE

    Hellenism Is Created

    Hellenism Is Created
    Hellenism was created in 323 B.C because Alexander’s empire combined the knowledge of Greece, Persia, India, and Egypt. This combinations of Eastern ideas created a new culture called Hellenistic Culture. The city Alexandria was the most important city and the center of knowledge. Many mathematics, scientist, and philosophers studied at Alexandria. They art was more realistic with facial expression. Their sculptures had movement and tend to be less perfect.