Greece Timeline

By 1723365
  • Period: 500 BCE to 300 BCE

    Golden Age

    The Golden Age took place after the victory of the Persian Wars, Athens was the leader of the Delian Legue. It was also very wealthy and powerful. During this peak, theatre, architecture, and art played a large role in Athenian culture. Pericles, the leader of Athens during this time period, was who increased democracy. He had many positive effects on Athens, including creating a strong navy.
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    The Battle of Marathon was the first battle in the Persian Wars. It was fought between the Greeks and Persians, in Marathon, Greece.
    The Greeks won this battle by using the Phalanx Formation, where dense groups of warriors would stand side by side with a spear and shield. Phidippides, a marathon runner, ran 26 miles to tell Athens about their victory.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    The Battle of Thermopylae was the second battle of the Persian Wars, fought between the Spartans and the Persians. In order to prevent Xerxes from taking Athens, 300 Spartans united with 7000 other Greeks against 10,000 Persians. The Spartans eventually got ahold of Thermopylae for 3 days, which is a mountain pass. The Spartans ended up losing as a result of a traitor telling the Persians where the mountain pass was.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    The Battle of Salamis was a naval battle, fought by an alliance of Greek City-States and The Persian Empire. King Xerxes ruled the Persian empire and King Themistocles ruled the Greeks. The Greeks sank ⅓ of Persian fleet by their ships having difficulty maneuvering. This resulted in the Greeks having an easy win. The Battle of Salamis was also the end of the Persian Wars.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian war started when Greece still the leader of the Delian League. Many Greek City-States wanted to leave the Delian League because they saw no use in having it when there wasn’t a large chance of being attacked. Athens punished the City-States that left the Delian League by conquering them. Sparta then created the Peloponnesian League to overthrow Athens. The deadly plague which killed off ⅓ of Athenian citizens. They still eventually won the war.
  • 380 BCE


    Plato was a very influential philosopher who founded the academy which was devoted to the teachings of philosophy and the sciences. Socrates, another Greek philosopher, was his teacher, and Plato went on to be the teacher of Aristotle. He also wrote a book called the 'Republic' which discussed justice. Plato laid the foundations of mathematics we use today.
  • Period: 321 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenistic Age

    When Alexander's empire included four different great empires, (Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India) a new culture was created, known as Hellenistic culture. The most important city during the Hellenistic Era was Alexandria, Egypt, where there was a museum and a library. Hellenistic art was very different from classical art, they preferred a more realistic and more emotional aspect to things.
  • Period: 356 to 323

    Alexander The Great Rule

    Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander III, was king of Macedonia. He conquered the Persian Empire, Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Bactria, and the Punjab. He also founded the Egyptian city, Alexandria. His teacher was Aristotle, who was taught by Plato.