Greece Timeline

  • Period: 500 BCE to 350 BCE

    Greece Timeline

  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    The battle of Marathon was a battle between The Persians and the Greeks. The battle took place in Marathon,Greece in 490 B.C.E. It all started because Athens(the capital of Greece) helped colonies from the Persian Empire pull away. The Greeks won the battle due to their Phalanx formation which consist of fighting side by side with spears and shields. This battle was significant because it showed that a little island can stand up and defeat the Persian Empire.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    The battle of Salamis was the last battle in Persian War between the Greeks and the Persians. The battle took place in the Saronic Gulf in 480 B.C.E. The Persians had a navy about 800 ships to Greeks 370 ships. The greeks sunk ⅓ of the Persian fleet which resulted in the Greeks winning the Persian War. This battle was extremely significant because it showed that an island like Greece can take down an extremely big and strong empire like the Persian Empire.
  • 479 BCE

    Athens Golden Age

    The Golden Age of Athens is after the Persian War around 479-431 B.C.E.. After their victory Athens became extremely wealthy and powerful. All of their money led to the culture of Sculptures, theater, philosophy, and democracy. Pericles was the leader of Athens during the Golden Age, (461 - 429 BC) he increased democracy and created the strongest navy in it’s time. This was significant since the Greeks defeated The Persian they are now the strongest and the wealthiest.
  • 478 BCE

    Delian League

    The Delian League was created by the Athenians, after they beat the Persians in the Persian War. The Delian League is a group of Greek city-states that all put money in so just in case they get attacked again they are ready. The Delian League was created in 478 BCE shortly after the Persian War. The Delian League was significant, because it it made Athens the next super power.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War occurred around 431-404 BCE. The war was against Sparta and Athens, because Athens Delian League was getting out of hand and they wanted to counter them and bring them justice. The war happened all over Greece like Sparta and Athens. But in the 2nd year of the war Athens caught a plague which kills 1/3rd of the Athens population in result Sparta won.This war was significant, because it showed how a city-state like Sparta fought the powerful Athens.
  • 400 BCE

    Peloponnesian League

    The Peloponnesian League was formed by the Spartans to counter Athens Delian League, because they were getting too powerful. The Peloponnesian League included the Spartans and other city-states. Also it was created in the 6th century. In conclusion the Spartans were tried and afraid that Athens was going to get too powerful and carried away. This is significant, because it should that Sparta wasn’t scared of Athens even though they were more wealthy and powerful.
  • 358 BCE

    Philip The II Conquers Greece

    Phillip the II from Macedonia conquered Greece at it’s weakest point He conquered Greece when Athens and Sparta finished the war, so they didn’t expect anything thinking everything is over. 358 BCE is when Philip the II conquered Greece and became the new leader. This is significant, because even though Phillip the II wasn’t even in the war he ended being the one that won.
  • 356 BCE

    Alexander The Great

    Alexander the Great was the son of Philip the II from Macedonia, and was born in 356 BCE. Alexander combined all 4 empires like Greece, Persia, Egypt, and India and is now known as the greatest military leader ever. Alexander had many influences, like he built a city in Egypt called Alexandria in honor of him. Alexander the Great was significant, because he combined a lot of cultures and is now known as the greatest military leader ever.