Greece Timeline

  • Period: 490 BCE to 470 BCE

    The Persian Wars

    Persian Empire was seeking revenge on Greece after the Athenians convinced Anatolia to revolt from Persian command. Three battles took place during the Persian Wars. First was the Battle of Marathon where the Greeks won. Next was the Battle of Thermopylae where the Persians won after a Greek traitor revealed the Spartans and Athenians secret passage. Lastly, the Battle of Salamis where the Greeks sunk ⅓ of Persian fleet, declaring Greece the winner of the Persian Wars.
  • Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Golden Age of Athens

    The Golden Age of Athens was a flourishing time for not only their economy but for culture, art, and theatre. Athenians development of classical art and genres of theatre entertainment inspired other cultures to explore similar ideas. Architecture during the “Golden Age Athens” was also at its prime. Throughout Greece, civilizations designed different patterns that were engraved into their buildings. The columns that held up Greece’s large construction were Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    After the Persian Wars, Persia was no longer a threat to Greece. City- states, such as Sparta, felt that they no longer needed the Delian League to keep them safe. Many city-states decided to leave the Delian League. Athens conquered the opposing polis out of anger. Sparta soon created the Peloponnesian League. The Peloponnesian League was the cause of the Peloponnesian War. Sparta won the war after a plague washed upon the Athens, taking ⅓ of their population.
  • Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander The Great

    After King Philip the second died, his Son, Alexander the Great, ruled Macedonia. Alexander was well educated and learned under some the greatest minds during the century. This includes the philosopher, Aristotle. Alexander wasn’t king for very long, he died at the age of 33. But during his time alive, Alexander conquered Greece, Anatolia, Egypt, the Persian Empire, and India. After his death, Alexander’s empire was divided amongst his generals.