greece timeline

  • 499 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon was the first battle between the Greeks and the Persians. The persians wanted their revenge when the Athenians helped one of the persian colonies rebel against persian rule. (499-449 BC) The Greeks won with their phalanx formation at the city of Marathon. After the victory, Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform Athens of the victory at marathon. The Marathon race is named after this battle.
  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War was between Sparta and Athens. Athens was too powerful as leader of the Delian League. Some of the Greek city-states wanted to leave the Delian League now that the Persian threat was gone. The Athenians,lead by Pericles,took the greeks who wanted to leave as slaves. Pericles brings all the Athenians behind the city walls for protection once the war begins,but then Athens undergoes a plague in the second year,which ⅓ of the population dies including pericles. Sparta wins
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    This was the second battle between the Persians and the Greeks in 480 BC. The greeks united to stop Xerxes from taking Athens. There were 300 spartans and 7,000 other Greeks against 10,000 Persians. The spartans held thermopylae, which was a mountain pass, for three days but eventually ended up losing.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salimis

    Battle of Salimis
    The Battle of Salamis was the final battle between the Persians and the Greeks. It was a sea battle that took place in 480 BC and was near a small island called salamis. The Greeks sunk ⅓ of the Persian fleet. The Greeks won the final battle between.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE

    Golden Age

    The Golden Age occurred between the Persian wars and the peloponnesian wars in 479-431 BC. Pericles was the leader of Athens at this time and the Athenians became very wealthy and powerful as they were the leader of the delian league after the Persian wars. Because of their economic prosperity, Pericles was able to increase democracy, create the strongest army, and make Athens beautiful. The Golden Age gave us modern day classical art, theatre, and the doric, ionic, and corinthian columns.
  • Period: 430 BCE to 404 BCE

    Plague of Athens

    The disease began in Ethiopia around 430 BC, but quickly spread to Athens. It was an unidentified disease that started with redness and inflammation in the eyes,throat and tongue.Next came seizing and hoarseness which caused violent convulsions and sleeplessness which never abated. The third stage was death on the ninth day of having the disease. Mostly men caught this disease. This is significant because it was extremely deadly and wiped out ⅓ of the Athenians,causing sparta to win the war.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenistic Era

    Alexander the great’s empire combined the knowledge of the greek, persian, egyptian and indian empires. Alexandria, Egypt was the most important city for hellenism. Hellenistic art was realism which made sculptures more realistic, emotional and they tend to show movement. Hellenism took place around 323 BC.