2000 BCE
Minoan civilization
Sometime after 1500 BC, through either trade or war, the Mycenaeans came into compact with the Minoan civilization. From their contact with the Minoans, the Mycenaeans saw the value of seaborne trade. They making stops at aegean islands, and port in Syria, Egypt, Italy and Crete. -
1193 BCE
The Trojan war
During the 1200s BC, the mycenaeans fought a ten-year war against Troy, an independent trading city located in Anatolia. According to the legend, a Greek army besieged and destroyed Troy because a Trojan prince had kidnapped the wife of a Greek king. -
750 BCE
Great city-states
By 750 B.C, the city-state, or polis was fundamental political unit in ancient Greece. A polis was made up of a city and its surrounding countryside, which included numerous villages. Most city-states controlled between 50 and 500 square miles of territory.They were often home to fewer than 10,000 residents. At the agora, or marketplace, or on a fortified hilltop called acropolis. -
499 BCE
The Persian wars
The Persian wars were between Greece and the Persian empire. The fearsome formation phalanx in Athens became the most powerful fighting force in the ancient world. The Persian Empire wanted their revenge after the Athenians helped one of their colonies residing in the Persian Empire, Specifically in Anatolia,they rebelled against Persian rule. The first battle was in Marathon in which the Greeks won through the Phalanx formation. The Greeks won the war. -
477 BCE
Golden age of Athens
Golden age of Athens was from 477 to 431 BC. Athens grew in drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, science. The Golden age still inspires and instruct people around world. pericles led Athens during most of the Golden age. Greece won the war against Persia and Athens became very wealthy and enter into the Golden age. -
431 BCE
The peloponnesian war
The peloponnesian war was between Athens and Sparta. Athens became too powerful as leader of the Delian League. Some of Greek city- states want to pull out of the Delian league now that the Persian threat is gone, and many resent the harsh Delian league membership fees. Athens and Sparta went to war and the second year the one third population died including the leader of Athens, pericles. Sparta wins the war. Both city-states are so weakened by the war that phillip conquers Greece. -
430 BCE
plague in Athens
There was a plague of disease in Athens in 430 B.C which killed 1 third of their population. The disease was never identity what the disease was.The disease began in Ethiopia and Eventually descended into Athens. people first with intense heat of the head and inflammation with eyes, mouth, throat and tongue. It became worse and worse. Most people did not survive this disease. This happened in the middle of Peloponnesian war, which helps Sparta win the war. -
323 BCE
As a result of Alexander’s policies, Greek culture blended with Egyptian, persian, and Indian influences, This blending became known as Hellenistic.