Greece timeline

  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    The battle of Marathon was the first battle of the persian wars. It had occurred in the year of 490 BCE, between the Persians and Athenians. The battle had took place in the Greek city-state called Marathon. It was caused by the help from the Athens of the rebellion of one colony against the Persian empire. This battle had influenced the word used today to describe a long distance run, marathon.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    The Battle of Thermopylae had taken place in a mountain called Thermopylae in Greece, during 480 BCE. The battle was between 10,000 Persians, and 7,300 Greeks. 300 Spartans Thermopylae for the 3 days. Until eventually the Greeks had lost. Later finding out a Greek traitor had shown the Persians a secret passage through the Mountain. The battle was caused by the revenge a Persian Leader wanted. The Battle of Thermopylae had led to the last battle of the Persian wars.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

    Battle of Salamis
    The Battle of Salamis took place in the year of 480 BCE in Greece. It was part of the Persian wars, which was a war between the Athenians and Persians. The battle of salamis is a sea battle in which the Greeks sunk ⅓ of the Persians fleet. Leading the Athenians on to their victory. The battle was caused by the revenge Darius, a Persian leader wanted. Athens win had lead to the Delian League, the Golden Age of Athens, and the Peloponnesian war.
  • Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE

    Golden Ages

    he Golden Ages of Athens started in 480 BCE, and ended in 404 BCE. It had begun right after the persian wars, due to all the wealth they had gained after their win and the wealth they had gotten from the Delian League. The golden age had greatly impacted the arts and culture athens. It had increased Democracy, lead them to the strongest navy. Due the Golden ages the culture and art in Greece is incredible.
  • 478 BCE

    Delian League

    The Delian League is a league made of a bunch of city-states made to protect the Athenians from another attack from the persian wars. It had formed in 478 BCE right after the Persian Wars, and ended at the start of the Peloponnesian wars. The Delian League started due to the wealth the Athenians gained after winning the Persians. They forced city-states into joining. The Delian League had lead to the Peloponnesian wars, which was started to take Athens power.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian wars

    The Peloponnesian wars started in 431 BCE in Ancient Greece, and ended the year of 404 BCE. The war had started due to the power Athens held. Spartans did not all the power given to the Athenians therefore starting the war between Sparta and Athens, and creating the Peloponnesian league to destroy the Delian League. The Peloponnesian wars had weakened both Athens and Sparta therefore allowing Macedonia to take over.
  • Period: 401 BCE to 500 BCE

    Establishment of Democracy

    Direct democracy in Athens was established in the fifth century BCE. Direct democracy had allowed citizens of Athens to have a say in the passing of a law. However this did not apply to the women and children of Athens, the women and children did not have a right to vote. The direct democracy in Athens had influenced many of the countries in modern day.
  • 338 BCE

    Macedonia conquers Greece

    In the year of 338 BCE, Philip the II of Macedonia had conquered the Greeks. After the Peloponnesian wars, the Greeks had been so weakened, allowing Macedonia to take over. Later on leading the Greeks to become part Philip’s son, Alexander the Great’s empire.