Greece/Rome/America timeline

  • 776 BCE

    The olimpic Games

    The olimpic Games
    The Olimpic Games began in ancient Greece arround 700 B.C.E. They were created in honor to their gods, but mostly important to Zeus, the father of all the gods. They were created in Olimpia, in the western sides of Peloponneses.
  • 753 BCE

    Rome is fonded

    Rome is fonded
    The legend says that the 2 sons of Mars, that were Remolus and Remus founded the city. The first ruler of Rome was Remolus because he killed Remus for becoming the king. He named the city in his honor later. Rome was ruled by kings for the next 240 years.
  • 509 BCE

    Rome becoming a republic

    Rome becoming a republic
    The last king is overthrown, so Rome got ruled by elected officials called senators. There is a constitution with laws and a complex republican government.
  • 508 BCE

    Begining of the democracy

    Begining of the democracy
    The first democratic goverment began in the city of Athens where the men could vote in order to decide who was going to rule the state. Cleisthenes was the one who created the concept of democracy, so he is considered the father of democracy. Etymology: the word comes from demos, "common people" and kratos, strength.
  • 500 BCE

    Begining of Classical Greece

    Begining of Classical Greece
    The Classical Greek period was a time where the democray was refined and the arts, theater, philosophy, architecture and literature were fully developed and in Greece rebuilding of the parthenon was one of thne biggest achivements in the epoch.
  • 431 BCE

    The Peloponnesian war

    The Peloponnesian war
    The Peloponesian war was fought by Sparta and Athens. It had an interruption after that interruption Sparta allied with Persia and finally Athens was beaten marking the end of Greece's golden age.
  • 200 BCE

    Trojan war

    Trojan war
    The Trojan war started 200 years BCE. It was one of the most important wars in the world history . The war last 10 years and ended with the Greece
  • 64 BCE

    Rome is in flames

    Rome is in flames
    One of the emperos of the Roman Empire was Nero, who thought that the Christians were bad people because they belived in only one god, not lke the Romans that were politheistics and for vengeance to them, he burn the Roman city and sayed that the Christians were the ones who cause it. He persecute the Christians. -notebook
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Cesar became a dictator

    Julius Cesar became a dictator
    Julius Caesar becames a dictatorship and makes his famous Crossing of the Rubicon and defeats Pompey in a civil war to become the biggest and supreme ruler of Rome.
  • 27 BCE

    Rome An Empire!

    Rome An Empire!
    • The Roman Empire begins as Caesar Augustus(Octavian Augustus) becomes the first Roman Emperor. He created the Pax Romana, also called Roman peace(200 years).
  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to

    Muisca civilization

    The Muisca or Chibcha civilization fluorished between the years 600 and 1600 ACE. Their territory was what now is Cundinamarca and Boyaca (Colombia). The culture was important arround the territory, and they had many rituals for their gods (politheistics), mostly important the one of "El Dorado".
  • Jan 1, 1200


    The Inca civilization led by Manco Capac, migrated to the Cuzco valley and stablish their capital there
  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Jan 1, 1400


    Pachacunti Inca Yupanqui begins a rebuilding programme in the Inca capital of Cuzco, and he also reigns as the leader of the Inca Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1438

    Inca fundator

    Inca fundator
    Viracocha, the supreme god of the Incas, began to build the Inca empire.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Machu Pichu

    Machu Pichu
    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui founds Machu Picchu in the High Andes.
  • Taironas

    The history of the Tairona civilization began 2,000 years ago in the northern corner of Colombia. The major part of their territory was the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The human activity in the territory started between 6,000 years.